SCOTT REAUME Greenhorn Posts:18 
17 Jul 2021 07:56 PM |
Today I went to the Migg1-4 near Rochford SD. I couldn't even pull in to the parking area. there were out of state 6 big (I mean big) 5th wheelers + trucks taking up the the area. All out of state and not GPAA. Now as far I know National forest rules allow camping for a few days on public which technically this is. The gentleman I spoke with stated a GPAA member told them they couldn't camp there due to it being a claim. I myself lean toward the national forest rules. Anyway just asking on a clarification on this. We had good chat I gave the group a tour of the claim, gave a lesson on our geology features and taught some of the how to pan found a little color. Hopefully some new members in the future. We do get a lot of people camping on the claims, the husker, eagle eye, and migg1-4 and even the mary-ann. Some guidance for members so cant keep it pleasant for all. Migg1-4 has no claim markers on it, last yr it did. Scott Reaume
Tad Hamilton New Member Posts:30 
17 Jul 2021 08:41 PM |
From what you wrote they can stay up to 14 days on the claim as long as they are not doing any mining or rock collecting
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
17 Jul 2021 09:25 PM |
Scott,. Tad is correct. A mining claim only gives exclusive rights to the minerals. All other uses such as hunting, fishing, hiking, etc are allowed. If it's a patented claim, then it is private property, just like a lot and house in town. Most all claims available to members are just standard mining claims. Claim markers can disappear overnight unless hung out of reach. Up to the claim owner to keep up with signage according to regulations. But some live far enough away, that it's not convenient to get there often.
SCOTT REAUME Greenhorn Posts:18 
17 Jul 2021 11:01 PM |
That's basically what i told them. You can pick flowers, fish look at the trees, just leave the rocks alone. Just another member prior to me told they had to leave I knew that wasn't right , just didn't know how many days allowed to camp.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
18 Jul 2021 11:22 AM |
I have a few claims, and when I see people camped, I stop by, introduce myself, (checking for mining gear), and let them know they are not allowed to mine or prospect. Had one gal look me, about to cry, asking if they had to leave. Told her no, I can't do that. Just please watch your fire, make sure it's dead out, and take your trash and stuff. Came back up mid week, and the campsite looked better than ever.
Myrton Woolen Greenhorn Posts:6 
19 Jul 2021 10:08 AM |
i would love to move to s.d to live their year around i can live in the winter but i cannot live with high temp ;i moved to new mexico 6 years ago i love the winters here but hate the summer time heat ;any body want to rent a spot year around to old man and his cat that dont cost a lot of money n
AARON BAZOR Greenhorn Posts:15 
06 Nov 2021 08:52 PM |
Early September 2021 I detected the Migg claims. Luck was not on my side. There were 3-4 guys camping on the right side of the road, if coming in from hwy 385. They were dirt bike riders and thought I was going to ask them to leave. We talked for about 30 minutes. I just explained that it was a mining claim and I was going to be in the area detecting behind their campsite up on the mountain. No problems....