Last Post 05 Mar 2015 08:12 AM by  Alejandro Urias
rio grande????
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Alejandro Urias
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01 Mar 2015 09:03 PM
    I been going to my ranch in mexico for the past 2 years and always see black sand everywhere. just join gpaa and just was wanting to know if anybody had tried the rio grande or rio grande area. might have to take a chance next time I go and go to the mountains and pan in the creeks see if I have any luck. I know there are lots of crystal formations in the rocks and granet. ( not valuable crystals I don't think) going to spend some time to see if I find anything. I will let yall know what I find and if I find some well I will invite anyone willing to travel. well until next time. I will post on later date on the outcome of my trip.
    Gary Whited

    02 Mar 2015 05:41 PM
    Where in Mexico is your ranch? The general area? What part of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) are you referring to?
    Alejandro Urias
    New Member
    New Member

    02 Mar 2015 07:07 PM
    big bend area. sorry I did not specify much of the area. but its close to the big bend national park. over by presidio. but my ranch is in mexico just on the other side of the national park. really nice area well for me I like it. wont be going back for another 3 weeks.
    Gary Whited

    03 Mar 2015 09:30 PM
    Gold may be present in small amounts in that part of Mexico like in the Llano River in Texas. In prehistoric times when Texas was under a salt water ocean, a huge fresh water river flowed out of the Mexican mountains in your area wearing them down creating the top soil rich delta we know today as the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) Valley. I saw considerable evidence of the ancient river in the state of Coahila along the Salado River during my travels to Anahuac, Nuevo Leon and Allende, Zaragoza, Nuevo Rosita, and Muzquiz, Coahila. If your area was the ancient headwaters then you may find some occasional gold. It's worth checking out. Keep us informed.
    Alejandro Urias
    New Member
    New Member

    05 Mar 2015 08:12 AM
    Sounds good and I will keep everyone informed (: I know of some core samples close to the big bend area and core samples did bring out some gold but it was deep core samples, father in law used to work for that company so I might just have to buy a metal detector to see if I find anything. If I find anything I will post pictures. Can't wait till days off.
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