MICHAEL PANELLI Greenhorn Posts:8 
24 Jul 2021 11:32 PM |
Fires have made these claims pretty much inaccessible, and if the fire doesn't get you the smoke will. Will be awhile, maybe next year before you can get to them. This includes Joyce in Butte County. The fires there are extreme and we don't want to hamper fire fighters. They have enough on their plate. Hwy.70, Hwy. 89, Bucks Lake Rd., Antelope Lake Rd. Gennesse and Taylorsville Rds. from Beckworth and Portola. Stay safe, Thank You just a heads up.
BRIAN WILLIAMS New Member Posts:89 
25 Jul 2021 02:40 AM |
Hey Michael, We are in Indian Valley now…stopped mining in order to prep my sister and brother-in-law’s home for the Fly fire. I’ve never seen anything like it…the most perfect fire conditions I’ve ever seen. Raining down ashes like snow and the air looks like a dense fog, except it’s smoke. Breathing conditions are terrible…I even brought out my Covid 😷 mask for it for protection. STAY OUT OF THIS AREA! We are praying for God’s intervention and praise the commendable efforts of the firefighters! Heading to the Colorado goldfields after we finish our fire precautions.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
25 Jul 2021 07:52 PM |
Covid cloth masks don't provide particulate protection. Has to be N95 or better. Very fine particulates in that stuff that will got right through. Will grab the big chunks and ash flakes though. Quartzville Group is off limits for now as well up in Oregon
BRIAN WILLIAMS New Member Posts:89 
26 Jul 2021 11:05 AM |
The Fly fire is heading towards Little Grizzly Creek 😢, sad to say. Avoid Antelope Lake as well. I use homemade coffee filter masks 😷 with the wire nose piece…they work great and are more comfortable.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
27 Jul 2021 01:01 AM |
Looked at the fire perimeter maps...WOW. grew up there, lived a mile from Oakland Camp, Mom had Keddie post office. Fished Spanish and greenhorn creeks. Spanish from meadow valley all the way to the junction with hwy 89. Belonged to the rock club in Taylorsville, spent a lot of time in the grizzly and antelope area as well as all over Mt Hough and the fire lookout. Was taught how to catch spawning kokonee bare handed by an old native friend of ours, when they made their run out of Bucks Lake. I just can't imagine the destruction happening now. My thoughts go out to all involved in this disaster.
JEFF SMITH New Member Posts:90 
03 Aug 2021 02:22 PM |
Dowieville area is good just a little smoke but not bad at all
BRIAN WILLIAMS New Member Posts:89 
05 Aug 2021 12:12 AM |
Friends, please pray for God’s intervention in this awful fire, and for aid and comfort for those impacted by it! May God bless and protect the courageous firefighters and law enforcement! My heart is broken for the good people of Greenville and surrounding communities…