Last Post 13 Sep 2021 05:14 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
Possible settings for a nokta gold cruiser on crevices.
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mike keefe

29 Jul 2021 08:37 PM
    First time posting on this site, I have a question if anybody is using one of the gold cruisers, when they're doing crevice searching what setting are you putting it on? It's hard to find something that's definitive or at least close for that matter. I know a really great spot of bedrock that I can crevice but I would like to use my detector to kind of cut some time out of finding nothing if you know what I mean, if anyone has some good settings that I can go with that would be super awesome and most appreciated!

    New Member
    New Member

    09 Sep 2021 09:42 AM
    I've been watching your post and being no one has responded I'll give you my two cents worth. I haven't used the Gold Cruiser metal detector but have used the Goldbug 2 crevicing, as I have found out, most crevices that I've found gold in also has other metals in them or small hot rocks or a lot of black sand, so most of the crevices would give me positive and a long signals and being the GB2 only goes so deep I ended up cleaning out all crevices, whether I got a hit on them or not with the metal detector to be sure I wasn't leaving any gold behind. But back to your question "what would be a good setting for your Nokta". Being all bedrock may ground balance out differently you may need to adjust each each time and use some target samples and see how they sound buried in the cevices and adjust your settings to find out what works best for your metal detector. I use the small 6.5" coil on my GB2 and a small coil might help too. You should read Sergio Rameriz post in Kevin Hoagland section, it looks like he has a pretty good plan crevicing and plans on starting to use a metal detector as a crevicing tool too.
    james hatchett

    09 Sep 2021 10:40 AM
    I have a Nokta Gold Kruzer which serves as a backup system which i generally like for working crevices and tight dry creeks. I normally swing a GPZ7000 with a 19" coil when in open desert but at 70(soon, even older) after a week of swinging all day long I run out of go power and the lighter Kruzer is just the thing. I use the smaller coil. After spending a lot of time experimenting on small gold i found the best setting for me is to crank the gain all the way up to "99" and adjust the treshold to "1". This seems to pop on small gold fairly well.
    Sergio Ramirez
    New Member
    New Member

    10 Sep 2021 11:59 PM
    Hello Mike & Gerold,
    At this point I know nothing about metal detectors, but plan to when i get one, I got a lot of good advice from GPAA miners & especially from Kevin Hoagland, as Gerold says, look at my metal detectors questions in Kevin Hoagland's space below "Ask Kevin Hoagland" he knows everything there is to know about Metal Detectors, nice guy & takes the time to help you,
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    13 Sep 2021 05:14 PM
    You have a very capable detector. at 61kHz it is well known for little dinks doing exactly what you are wanting to do. A feature I like is the ability to finite tune in the Kruzer's sensitivity.

    I will make a suggestion, don't look for settings-instead set the detector to the ground you are detecting. You might be surprised how much this can change even in the same spot on a different day or as the day gets warmer or cooler. Since you are logged onto your account follow this link to a "Ask Kevin" piece I wrote about matching your detector to the ground you're working.
    Pages 12-13.

    Let me know if you have any questions afterwards. Best if you send a direct email -

    Oh, and although I use a Gold Bug 2 as the example this holds true for any detector that the user has a lot of control over. It is all about the similarities not the differences.



    Posted By mike keefe on 29 Jul 2021 08:37 PM
    First time posting on this site, I have a question if anybody is using one of the gold cruisers, when they're doing crevice searching what setting are you putting it on? It's hard to find something that's definitive or at least close for that matter. I know a really great spot of bedrock that I can crevice but I would like to use my detector to kind of cut some time out of finding nothing if you know what I mean, if anyone has some good settings that I can go with that would be super awesome and most appreciated!

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