Tyler DeBruyne Greenhorn Posts:16 
13 Aug 2021 07:05 PM |
Just curious if anybody has any info on the Golden Eagle claim. First timer so I figured I would start there. Any info would be appreciated.
Sean Callahan Greenhorn Posts:2 
16 Aug 2021 02:18 AM |
I panned here back in the 1990's and got a few specks, but it was on a straight section of the river, which is not really a good place to pan, also it was a section with very large rocks and it was hard to get any material. Try inside bends; looks like a good inside bend on the south bank which is also the the roadside at on the map 37.638912, -119.93086 about 250 yards from the south entrance of the claim, and runs about 180 yards long; there are also two good inside bends further up but they are on the north bank of the river, do not try and cross if the water is too swift or too high. Good luck, I might try this claim again during t the 2nd week of Sept.
Tyler DeBruyne Greenhorn Posts:16 
18 Aug 2021 11:09 AM |
Thank you for the info. I’ll be there next week and will let you know how I did.
Kenneth Scott Greenhorn Posts:3 
20 Aug 2021 08:44 PM |
I was up there yesterday. You currently have to park about 3/4 mile from the claim due to work being done but they will let you walk in. Did ok for being there couple hours.
Tyler DeBruyne Greenhorn Posts:16 
21 Aug 2021 12:51 PM |
Glad you found some. Did you have to park up or downstream from the claim?
Kenneth Scott Greenhorn Posts:3 
21 Aug 2021 05:10 PM |
I parked down stream because it was closer of a walk.
Tyler DeBruyne Greenhorn Posts:16 
21 Aug 2021 06:55 PM |
Thanks again, I read about the rattlers in the area and I saw you mentioned them on the claim page. We’re they in the trees and shade on the trek down the bank or did you notice any near the stream bed in cracks and holes? I’m in Mammoth Lakes so we don’t deal with many snakes if any.
Kenneth Scott Greenhorn Posts:3 
21 Aug 2021 07:14 PM |
They were in the sun on the rocks as I went down the side to the river. There is a lot of spots for them to hide in the rocks.