Michael Merrell Greenhorn Posts:16 
24 Aug 2021 08:20 PM |
I caught the fever. I now have a detector, a sluice, a pan and the urge to go. My first trip as a GPAA member will be to SD ,& WY. If there's anybody that reads this from the local area. I'd like to know which claims have running water in them and which one would be the best for a newbie to start out at.
STEVE BURGESS Greenhorn Posts:3 
28 Aug 2021 10:22 AM |
Michael, I live in Windsor CO and have researched a lot of Wyoming history and I have found some very high value targets for panning and sluicing near Laramie and Cheyenne. I am always looking for a good partner. You can watch one of my GPAA videos to get to know me a little better: The title to the video is call "Prospecting Colorado Locating a new pay streak". If you would like to possibly join me in my next excursion to the Medicine Bow mountains, I am trying to plan a trip in two weeks. Feel free to give me a call at 970-371-9381 mobile. Steve Burgess
Michael Merrell Greenhorn Posts:16 
28 Aug 2021 10:00 PM |
Mr. Burgess thank you for the invite. I would love to join you on a hunt. As you know I'm a new member and could use the guidance. I looked but I could not find your video. I really would like to join you in a hunt but I am not too sure what tomorrow will bring. At the moment I'm sitting in New Orleans waiting for the hurricane to hit. If power is out for any length of time I may head your way in a few days. Can't survive without my AC. So how do I find that video?
STEVE BURGESS Greenhorn Posts:3 
28 Aug 2021 10:18 PM |
On the GPAA website, go to "Learn" then "videos" then community: https://www.goldprospectors.org/Learn/Video/VideoId/409/prospecting-colorado-locating-a-pay-streak Good luck with the Hurricane, it is going to be a big one so stay safe.
SCOTT REAUME Greenhorn Posts:18 
31 Aug 2021 11:02 PM |
In SD the Mary ANN, Migg1-4 and eagle eye all have running water. Husker only during spring melt or extreme rains. Good luck to you