Last Post 02 Sep 2021 12:43 AM by  ARTHUR WAUGH
Trying to decide
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28 Aug 2021 04:24 PM
    Hello friends,
    Have been out of prospecting for a couple of years as I was having some difficulties from injuries I sustained while deployed and now I am looking for a new piece of equipment.
    My preferred method was dredging but now my kids are big enough I want to get a highbanker so they can participate a little more.
    Trying to decide on the best one, reliability and fine gold retention.
    The conditions that I prospect on consists of almost entirely small crushed granite and sand. Gold is always fine, it is rare to even get flakes larger than a pinhead.
    I am considering running the Keene beach box but have also been looking at the Gold hog Raptor flare.
    Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated whether on these equipment pieces or if there is something better.
    Thanks for the input.
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    New Member

    29 Aug 2021 12:16 PM
    Hey Shane, I’m a Gold Hog fan, outstanding gold recovery with their matting. I have the Raptor and love it, but it is a large and somewhat heavy/cumbersome setup (especially if packing for a distance or up/down hills). It really needs 2-3 people to keep it fed…you can run some serious material through it! I may be downsizing to the Gold Hog Piglet in the future now that my son is in the Air Force. Lighter/smaller and can still run as much as I can feed it. The Keene Mini Max would be a good product to check out as well. Check out the Sluicing forum titled “Pump and battery recommendation for the Raptor Flare 2.0”…great info. Good luck and thank you for your service my friend! Where are you mining?

    29 Aug 2021 12:52 PM
    Thank you for the Brian.
    I really was not sure on how much the Raptor could run so info from a real user helps. I may need to consider the Piglet instead. I don't think we could run enough material.
    We are prospecting in Central Texas.
    The forum thread you mentioned has a lot of good information, thank you.
    Also want to thank you for raising someone willing to join the military, ( even if it is the Chair Force ) haha joking. I was just a dumb Army Car Scout.
    Thanks again.
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    31 Aug 2021 09:07 PM
    Hey Neighbor🤝, I’m east of you in Huntsville, TEXAS! Do most of my mining in California now on our own claims in Plumas County, which is still being devastated by the Dixie Fire. If you want your own claim (another dimension of prospecting happiness), call Charlie after checking out his claims at Advanced The Raptor is highly versatile (converts to a highly effective dredge with a high pressure pump) and can easily handle 120 + five gallon buckets a day without classification. The most my wife, son, and I ever ran in a day was 45. Sounds like the piglet would serve you well though, cheaper, and easier transport/setup. Recommend adding the extension to it.

    Army scout, wow! Again, thank you sir🤝!!! No chair in my boy’s Air Force! He keeps the invincible F-22 Raptor engines running above our free heads…an occupation I highly recommend to responsible and hard working young adults.

    31 Aug 2021 11:06 PM
    Fellow Texan!! Nice!
    I am not a native, but my 2 kids are. I used to be familiar with Plumas. I have family on evacuation standby right now. Did not get to work many areas in Plumas but I was blessed enough to work in Tuolumne County as often as I wanted.
    Thanks again for the info on the Gold Hog. It is one thing to read about how great a product is on the website, another to hear from real world users.
    If you ever want to come out to one of our outings you are more than welcome. ( Llano river ) Date is not nailed down yet but sometime next month is our next one. Have not been out there in a while but talked to club President. He will be making announcements soon.
    Air Force is great, grandad was in 33.5 yrs. Served with the Mighty 8th. during WW2, then went to Korea and finally Vietnam. Those F-22 are some nice machines!
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    Advanced Member

    02 Sep 2021 12:43 AM
    Seems to be a few on here familiar with Plumas. Grew up there in the 60's, left in '71. Lived on Chandler Rd between Quincy and Keddie. Mom had the Post office there for several years.
    Hard to take in the size of Dixie fire, we can all over that country. Spent a lot of evenings playing cards at the old Paxton lodge with the caretaker.
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