James Lane Greenhorn Posts:6 
22 Nov 2021 09:28 PM |
Trying to learn the rules of the area. Would like to team up with someone for a little knowledge, but also to put my wife’s mind a ease from going out alone ( limited phone coverage a times). I’ve got detectors, sluice and the will to learn, get dirty and wet when necessary. Most of all have some fun and get a little GOLD. Not looking to get rich just put some color in a pan. Would like to learn to trust my detector for gold also.
Doyle McCandless Greenhorn Posts:23 
29 Nov 2021 08:57 PM |
I would have to say from experience that the first rule would be not to go alone. Grizzlies in that area and a lot of black bear. Wife and I planned on going back there this year but changed to Colorado and damn glad we did.
Jim Carli Greenhorn Posts:2 
01 Dec 2021 05:43 PM |
Howdy Greenhorn, Im down here in Bozeman area. Was actually on a private claim in your area on Galena gulch this summer, near basin. We have a club down here in Belgrade mt with a bunch of claims . So my partner and I have been spending our time on private claims lately but figured it was time to try out some gpaa claims. Both of our main claims this year got burnt out. Anyway stay in touch, going to start working gpaa claims here next spring, maybe even this winter if we dont get any snow and I am always looking for someone to hook up with. My Partner is a wizz with detectors, he swears by them , Im a newbie with them. Get in touch and we can work something out. Jim
James Lane Greenhorn Posts:6 
02 Dec 2021 08:23 PM |
With the decent weather currently, if you guys plan on going out would love to meet you. Text or call 406-202-4573.
Jim Carli Greenhorn Posts:2 
04 Dec 2021 12:11 PM |
James, will let you know if we go out. But its pretty closed up down here. We have been mainly about 6500-7000' and ground is freezing up and our creeks are already 2/3rds frozen over so pretty much done for the year. My partner spends a bunch of time around radersburg, drywashing and detecting, I not so much so I am done for the winter. When I start up again its not going to be up in the helena, galena or basin area going to be trying out a new gpaa claim in Absorkas that was in there updated latest mag but must say I did not find it on the website, so not sure whats going on, maybe I missed something. Have to go back and check the mag again. Last week we tried our spot at 6500', After a treacherous 4x4 trail(icee snow, rocks and cliffs) we parked in our normal small meadow and a 12" grizz track(few days old) right there in 3" snow and moose tracks on the run heading toward our creek 30yds away. Right there we figured the season was over and left.
James Lane Greenhorn Posts:6 
05 Dec 2021 07:31 PM |
I hiked to the GPAA claim Ella Redux in early October, tough hike, no water around up there. Swung my detector for a couple hours found boot tacks, and some old hardware nuts. Found several diggings did not survey the whole claim. The hike was to far I didn’t even carry any samples out to process. I haven’t hit radarsburg yet, would like to go there and crow creek.