Stan Calavan New Member Posts:28 
28 Feb 2022 11:18 PM |
Anyone have any tips or tricks to find a little gold in the desert. I have been working the claims in the little San Diego area and haven’t found a thing. Was hoping to purchase a dry washer at some point but until I can find a little color I think I will hold off on that. Been working the smaller washes, sides of the washes, and in between the washes. I guess I don’t know we’re to look. Thanks for any tips Stan
STANLEY SHIELDS New Member Posts:64 
10 Mar 2022 06:00 PM |
Try going out on club outings. You can learn a lot from helping dig in the right areas. Otherwise its sample , sample , sample , till you hit the gold!
John Watkins Greenhorn Posts:8 
20 May 2022 05:35 PM |
I've had best luck in the banks of the washes and up on the flat benches where there are often small feeder run-off areas. I generally always find fine gold in King#1, Yahoo#2, and Dumb Luck. Dig a half bucket, classify to 1/4 or 1/8" and pan (with water) on site as a test to be sure there's gold there before spending alot of time digging. If that sample doesn't show a few colors, move on to another area. Don't get discouraged, we all usually get skunked alot just starting out. Goioid luck. Enjoy and have fun!
James Wright Greenhorn Posts:1 
19 Mar 2024 05:08 PM |
Was born here and learned real quick stay out of the wash, its all gone, get up out of the wash by at least, 20 feet, look for high flat places, spots no one would look,, if you hit clay stop digging, the gold is on top of the clay, most areas the sand is just gone,
Stan Calavan New Member Posts:28 
19 Nov 2024 11:31 PM |
Thanks James. I am finding a little but not much for 40 bucket run through my drywasher. 0.10 of a gram. I just can't find consistent amounts of gold. Been mining in the washes, in the banks, and even on top of the hills between the washes but nothing seems to be working. When you say 20ft out of the washes do you mean 20ft above the wash? Or just 20ft away from the wash. Thanks. I would love to just walk with you on some of my claims to see what I am doing wrong. If you would have time. Thanks Stan
Stan Calavan New Member Posts:28 
23 Nov 2024 04:16 PM |
Thank you James for your suggestions. If you would have time to walk around a few claims sometime let me know my number is 253 455 5238. I am not looking to get rich, but would like to get a little closer to a half a gram each time out. Thanks again Stan
Earl Colvin Greenhorn Posts:3 
30 Nov 2024 10:23 PM |
Be warned. gpaa has dropped most claims in Southern AZ. All previously sponsored claims in S AZ have been reclaimed by private owners. Check your books and watch your markers