WILLIAM JORDAN Greenhorn Posts: 
09 Mar 2015 08:15 AM |
Are there any maps of the LDMA claims? If yes, where can I obtain copies, if no, Why NOT?????? I am a life member and I noticed that the LDMA handbook only has locations, but no site maps of the claims. I would also like to see the LDMA acquire more claims in the Southern Gold Belt.
Any help will be appreciated,
Jerry Daniels Greenhorn Posts:2 
09 Mar 2015 12:02 PM |
I agree a map showing claim boundary would be a great help.
Jerry Daniels Greenhorn Posts:2 
09 Mar 2015 12:09 PM |
I also think being able to read mining reports of claims, planning to visit would help.
E. JIM/PAM HANEY Highbanker Posts:107 
16 Mar 2015 01:10 PM |
While we can not speak for the other camps, when you sign in to Burnt River Camp you are given a packet with camp rules and maps of the property. For camps that do not do that, try asking the caretakers about property boundaries, I'm sure they will be more then helpful. LDMA camps are deeded property and not claims, and they are always on the lookout for more property. If you locate a property in the Southern Gold Belt that would make a good LDMA Camp contact the office and let them know. The LDMA handbook also includes a description of the gold that can be recovered at each property Jim & Pam Burnt River Camp
16 Mar 2015 03:52 PM |
new member I would like to know when you open ? What do I need for a dredging permit wise for Oregon ? When is your first outing ? Thanks, Joe goldpanner65@yahoo.com
E. JIM/PAM HANEY Highbanker Posts:107 
16 Mar 2015 04:44 PM |
Joe if you are asking about Burnt River Camp we are open year round but our mining season is typically mid/ late March to Oct due to weather. For Oregon you will need a wpcf 700 dredge permit from DEQ and a dredge permit from DSL. Currently there is no dredging or sluicing on the lower Burnt River due to arsenic and sediment pollution.
Joe Rollins New Member Posts:28 
24 Jun 2020 06:36 PM |
I was at Burnt River yesterday (overnight) and did not receive anything... no packet, no map... nada. :-/ Maybe they are not providing this any longer...??? Anyway, I did metal detecting. The weather was perfect, the camp was clean and spectacular and of course I had a great time! >>> TDI SL Hi Q setup >>> Fisher PI pen pointer >>> Apex short handle 3 magnet pick TTYL Best wishes :-)
Joe Rollins New Member Posts:28 
30 Jun 2020 01:34 PM |
Hey Jim I was there a week ago and only metal detected aroud the camp. I had a lot of fun trying a new TDI Hi Q, so I didn't have time to pan or sluice and didn't bother asking for a map packet or current wetland regs. I did spend several hours looking up dredgeing and slucing on the 50000000 pages of changes OR has posted in the last few years and am now completely LOST!!! :-/ If you know... What is the current state us sluicing and panning in the Burnt (at the camp and the GPSS down stream)? I know WA has made a few big changes recently, so I would figure OR did too and has their bs burried deep in the small print somewhere. At least WA makes you download a GOLD and FISH pdf, so you have a basic clue of whats going on and wherre to start. Please let me know if you have any knowledge on this or point me in the right direction please. Tnx, Joe
Joe Rollins New Member Posts:28 
30 Jun 2020 01:44 PM |
Q. Does anyone know of an LDMA claim/site book like our GPAA claims book? I never got one and only know of the few I can find using google searches. Thanks, Joe
Thomas Chambers Greenhorn Posts:10 
30 Jun 2020 02:03 PM |
The claims book doesn't come every year. You need to print new mining claims to insert in your book that you may visit. If your new to LDMA and did not receive a claims guide in your welcome packet/box Call Temecula at +1 951-699-4749 ext 180 talk to Jen .
E. JIM/PAM HANEY Highbanker Posts:107 
30 Jun 2020 02:49 PM |
Hi Joe You can not dredge the Lower Burnt River. You can sluice it from July 1st to October 31 but only using material from the river. You can pan year round. Ask the new caretaker, John Reynolds, about a packet with Maps & rules. Good luck! Jim & Pam
E. JIM/PAM HANEY Highbanker Posts:107 
30 Jun 2020 02:55 PM |
You should have received a maroon binder with your membership kit, it had all the LDMA properties in it. To learn about LDMA claims, you will have to visit the camps near them to get their locations as they are for LDMA members only and are not published.
Joe Rollins New Member Posts:28 
02 Jul 2020 06:40 PM |
Ummm... ya, I just got a call back from the GPAA/LDMA office and she VERY kindly let me know I received that a few years ago. "... it's in the binder behind the contract". LOL Oh, those pages... I read the contract and guess I was looking for a book like the GPAA claims listings. So, there ya go, I "already have what I need", however it's 20 feet deep in the far end of the storage unit... errrr! :-(
Thomas Chambers Greenhorn Posts:10 
02 Jul 2020 06:57 PM |
20 feet deep ! WoW!! Well cut a hole for a door at the other end and wahlah! Tell the mgr of the storage biz you won't change them for the rough cut hole for the new door that's not in yet that'll make thier property value soar .