Last Post 10 May 2022 01:17 PM by  Tim Holmes
claiming a mine
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Tim Holmes

09 May 2022 08:52 PM
    I havebeen scouting an area in Idaho that had a GPAA accessible claim on it a few years ago but the owner closed out the claim after some trouble with the USFS. This has been a long process that started in January. I have had to submit my NOI several times thank goodness for the MLRS. Now the problem is I still have to wait for a cultural study. I have also found out that if I would like to file a claim I need to follow the Blue Book Idaho Information Guide on Locating Mining Claims. Am I making this too complicated or is the USFS and the sate of Idaho making this more complicated than it needs to be
    New Member
    New Member

    10 May 2022 12:18 AM
    Tim, are you geared more for recreational or production mining? Either way, you need someone who knows the laws/process and how to navigate the bureaucracy. Charlie Watson, licensed geologist in California and owner of Advanced Geologic, knows his stuff and would likely be able to assist you with Idaho and the NFS. He has been extremely helpful to me and my family with complications we’ve had on our claims, and their annual filing service is worth every penny to me for peace of mind. If you don’t want to mess with Idaho, he just featured the Little Grizzly Bar Extension claim in an email and it’s listed on his website (Advanced Geologic, California Claims). It’s in Plumas County, California, and a claim I almost bought…it’s in a great/miner friendly area with a lot of potential,… and he threw in some very good geologic information on it in his email. (FYI, I found nuggets downstream, featured in our magazine and on our Plumas County claims) Check it out/make him an offer.
    Tim Holmes

    10 May 2022 01:17 PM
    Thanks for the information
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