Several years ago some of the members tried to call attention to a plan to close areas to human entry. They brought up a plan that the UN called Agenda 21. Quite a few of us laughed at them and made fun of them and almost called the paranoid.
I have since read this treaty that was signed and is currently being implemented and see these closures as a direct result of this insidious attack on our rights.
I'm not a weird oh. I've been prospecting for 21 years and normally keep my opinions to myself. But our government is slowly closing areas under one reason or another and if we as a group do not become involved in stopping this by the time my grand kids (and yours) get old enough to retire there wont be any "remote" camping or any type of prospecting. So join the PLP and write you congressmen and vote the bums out of office if they don't respond in a positive manner to your concerns.
Before any of you call me crazy
read agenda 21 for yourself.