Lorenzo Chavez Greenhorn Posts: 
25 Mar 2015 04:26 PM |
About 20 years ago, a coworker and I decided to play our hand at prospecting. I had the jeep and he had fabrication skills. I don't recall drywashers being an option back then, but he fabbed a sluice box setup that we would hall out to blm land and run material. We had no idea what we where doing, but had a good time getting out. Although we found some flakes, gold was dirt cheap back then and we quickly lost interest. I was also alot younger, with two young daughters and a busy career so I had other things pulling at my time.
Fast forward about 15 years, daughters have moved out, work takes me all over Arizona, and I am finding more time to hike and explore. Every time I get out, gold is at the back of my mind. Seeing all the quartz, abandoned mines, old towns and dry washes just make me itchy to pan some material. An old friend of mine has taken up the hobby and has been working the Weaver Mining District for a couple of years now. I joined him to help dig and hall the last two times dry washing and find that I really enjoy being out there. I have met some wonderful people and I have also met some strange people , but we all have the same thing in common......gold fever.
I have been impressed by the dry washers ability to capture gold. Watching it run the first time, I thought to myself....no way is this thing working. So much so that after we found some color in the first cleanout, I asked him to run the tailings again just to make sure.
To help break up the routine, I picked up a metal detector so I can run around the mountains looking for those elusive nuggets. I also figured that as much as I get around all over Arizona, a metal detector is a bit more portable for an afternoon of prospecting after my business meetings. I signed up with GPAA with the hopes of having known claims to legal prospect, participate in some of the GPAA events, learn/improve my detecting skills and meet some great people.
Please feel free to point me in the right direction on upcoming events and places to go.
I look forward to meeting you in the fields.
Keith Ress Greenhorn Posts:18 
25 Mar 2015 09:43 PM |
I joined for about the same reasons. where are you located at? I'm in Florence if you want to go out give me a Email at keithress@gmail.com or keith_ress@msn.com my days off are different every week so just let me know in advance.
Frank Lilly Greenhorn Posts: 
28 Mar 2015 03:28 PM |
Welcome, I'm on the new side as well. If your looking to meet up with fellow prospectors, the Phoenix Chapter of the GPAA meets monthly on the first Thursday of each month. The next meeting is next Thursday on the 2nd. And I believe there is a outing planned by the Phoenix chapter coming up on the 11th. I live in the Phoenix area, but travel pretty much any where in the state.
Keith Ress Greenhorn Posts:18 
29 Mar 2015 09:36 PM |
Well, like I said above I'm in Florence I have the next 2 weekends off lets go!!!!
Lorenzo Chavez Greenhorn Posts: 
06 Apr 2015 01:20 PM |
Hey all, thank you for the input and welcome. Ive been swamped the last couple of weeks and am just getting back to the forum. I did manage to sneak out this Saturday and went detecting around Black Canyon. That's some rough thick country in there. No luck detecting, but I could see that someones been drywashing. Keith, I am in Phoenix, and with summer upon us I have been looking farther north for detecting. I received my GPAA mining guide and it looks like they lost quite a few Yavapai County claims. Let me know where you are thinking and we can plan a day. I would rather have good company than cooler weather, so I am open to anywhere you want to go. I may have convinced the wife to go along with me this coming weekend up to Soldier Boy / Double J.J. group. We will have to stay in town, and I had to through in a night at the casino, but at least she seamed excited Frank, I will look into the Chapters as this looks like a good way to meet up.
Christopher Stewart Greenhorn Posts: 
06 Apr 2015 07:07 PM |
Also a new member here in Phx (should get my membership kit by week's end). Thought I'd say hi, and chip in my two cents. I don't know much about what I'm doing, but as far as where to go, I've got a couple of recommendations as far as organizations to join. - I've heard wonderful things about the Phoenix GPAA chapter as far as them making you feel like a part of things, but in terms of working together it seems like they focus more on meeting up in-town for learning, sharing stories, and networking. If you're looking for any upcoming group outings, I'd definitely recommend joining in on theirs, but the White Mou tains Chapter has a meetup next weekend to search for potential new claims in the Rye area. I think that'd be worth checking out! - I'm sure you've seen plenty of info on the LMDA, and how they have some more exclusive, and likely better producing claims. Just thought I'd highlight the fact that while the overall fee for membership may seem daunting, there's a downpayment option that is much more manageable - Other clubs I can think of with claims in the area are the Road Runner Prospecting Club and, (while I haven't joined yet myself, I have to say I think everybody involved in prospecting should join this one) the American Mining Rights Association. And even if you're not interested in joining the AMRA, they are a non-profit group dedicated to protecting our legal rights, and they have some great information we should all be familiar with, like the US Forest Service's policy on mining activity, as well as those of various other government entities, and any donation to them is tax-deductible and goes towards helping miners who are in trouble with local law for exercizing their federal rights as claim-owners, etc. Hope I've been a little helpful, and hope to see some of you out and about when I can start making it to meetings and stuff!
Keith Ress Greenhorn Posts:18 
Bob Simons Greenhorn Posts:10 
16 Dec 2015 04:40 PM |
I'm a new member also. But I live in Tucson-any one else from this area? I've been out 3 times by Arivaca and found some nice gold each time using my highbanker that I made. 12/16/2015
Randy Briggs Greenhorn Posts: 
17 Dec 2015 05:36 AM |
Hi Lorenzo and Christoper,
The best website to use to access the Phoenix Chapter's information is www.gpaaphoenix.com
Our Facebook Group is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/GPAP.Phoenix/
Our email is gpaaphoenix@gmail.com.
If you have any questions about our meetings and/or outings, feel free to email us and we will respond quickly. A great way to learn about some of our claims is to go to one of our monthly claims cleanups the first Saturday of every month. The Phoenix Chapter has events and/or community camp outs 12 months of the year - in the summer closer to the Prescott area and in the winter down here near the valley. You do not need to be a member to come and check us out at our meetings or outings. We welcome everyone and will be glad to help you in any way we can.
The GPAP also publishes a monthly newsletter that we can send via email or that can be downloaded from the web site or from Facebook if you can't make one of the meetings to pick one up. Pat and A & B Prospecting in Prescott Valley carries copies of the newsletter also.
Hope this information is helpful. You can also call any one of us anytime with questions. We will always try to help you as quickly as possible.
Randy Briggs, GPAP President
Karen Briggs, GPAP Vice President
Jeff Martin New Member Posts:37 
26 Dec 2015 08:47 AM |
Bob, we are over in the Safford area, east of you. We work over by Sonoita, Hayden, Superior often. There are some good spots over between Oracle and Mammoth (Tucson Wash) also. In a few weeks we will be over by Sonoita at the Greaterville area GPAA claims. There is a good GPAA chapter in Tucson.
Maybe we can meet up sometime.
Bob Simons Greenhorn Posts:10 
28 Dec 2015 09:02 PM |
Yeah I was just thinking that I would like to try that area by the N. side of the Catalinas. Have had any experience in that area. I was reading up about the Peppersauce creek area & the Canada del Oro wash. Call me if you guys are heading this way sometime and we can meet up if you'd like. 520-323-2953. Bob
Paul Arata Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Feb 2016 08:56 AM |
New member here from Mesa, Arizona I joined because I have always wanted to look for gold, my problem is that I am a novice and don't mind saying so, not sure where to go or what equipment that I need, hope its not to expensive as I live on my retirement alone, anyone have any ideas or advice all would be appreciated, thank you in advance for your time and replys.
Paul Louly New Member Posts:81 
19 Feb 2016 10:45 AM |
Posted By Paul Arata on 19 Feb 2016 08:56 AM
New member here from Mesa, Arizona I joined because I have always wanted to look for gold, my problem is that I am a novice and don't mind saying so, not sure where to go or what equipment that I need, hope its not to expensive as I live on my retirement alone, anyone have any ideas or advice all would be appreciated, thank you in advance for your time and replys.
Welcome to the family Paul! You're in a great spot to learn, lots of gold out there and Chapters to help you find it. Here's a link to all the Chapters in Arizona - http://www.goldprospector...rtalid=0&mid=506
The GPAP is a very active chapter close by and there's even a Gold Show next month in Phoenix where there will be many chapters and major vendors to talk to. There's also gold panning booths and informative seminars on prospecting & mining for you to learn from - www.goldprospectors.org/goldshows
Good luck and happy prospecting!
Gary Bennett Greenhorn Posts: 
01 Mar 2016 12:00 PM |
Another new member from Arizona in the Avondale/Goodyear area. I plan on heading to the GPAP meeting this week to see what they are all about. From what I gathered they are really active and seem to have something going on almost every month.
Frank Durham Greenhorn Posts:8 
13 Dec 2016 07:12 AM |
Hello GPPA members..
Just moved recently to Tucson .. ( From New England ) and recently joined GPAA .. waiting on my book to arrive, so I can go out metal detecting and gold hunting a bit.. so hoping to have some fun..
Anyone looking to get out for the day and tool around on a UTV (Depending on roads) and do some gold hunting .. please feel free to email me at frankd0417@yahoo.com
Frank Durham Greenhorn Posts:8 
15 Dec 2016 08:20 AM |
<g class="gr_ gr_69 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_run_anim Punctuation only-ins replaceWithoutSep" id="69" data-gr-id="69">Hi</g> Bob. </p>
I haven't seen any post from you for a bit.. so not sure your still on here?
But new to the Tucson area .. looking to learn and go out detecting and finding gold etc..
sent me a text if you'd like to schedule something sometime around the area .. You can text me @ 603 340 3313
Looking for someone to "shadow" and learn some stuff from .. Do most of my traveling in a UTV . ( it's street legal ) .
Paul Arata Greenhorn Posts: 
15 Dec 2016 09:03 AM |
My brother and I are members but have yet to go out, we still do not know what we are doing, is there anyone out there who might be able to take the time and take us to a place where we can start learning, we have our pan's etc and we also have metal det, not good ones but they will do for right now.
Paul Arata
Paul Arata Greenhorn Posts: 
16 Dec 2016 10:11 AM |
Thanks everyone we are in Mesa, and I will be at the show in Phoenix next week we are very eager to learn, thanks again for all your help you guys are great.
Paul Arata
JAMIE BURRELL Greenhorn Posts: 
06 Jan 2017 04:50 PM |
next event for us here in AZ https://www.goldprospectors.org/Community/Chapters/Chapter-Home?announcementId=1773574e-8f21-496d-9c5c-163f216b1087&chapterid=SUNCAZ&Category=Chapter