Posted By Don McElyea on 17 Apr 2015 06:13 AM
Since I only had the one classifier 1/2 inch I found a full set for about 50 bucks with stainless mesh. I classified down to 150 and got all the little chunks of iron and very small gravel out. I still don't know if my pans are seasoned enough. I did this twice and am thinking the soap I used (Ivory, which the wife picked out) may have not done the trick. It seems the black sand and small fine gold slip around in the pan quite a bit. Going off on an adventure in New Mexico with one of the chapters there next month and will learn a bunch from the seasoned prospectors.
The magnet worked really well but be sure to get one with the catch and release. I didn't at first and it was a real pain to get the black sand off the magnet. Live and learn. And I was shocked to see this thread in The Nugget issue just emailed out.
Since I have joined I have not one regret about getting the 3 year membership.
Thanks GPAA.
I'm picking up a lot of good stuff hanging out here! Dying to get into the field tho'.
As for the magnet thing, I am planning on placing my 45 lb. supermagnet inside of an empty prescription bottle like someone suggested a bit back. That way I can pull the magnet out of it to dump the magnetic black sands into the plastic pan. I can get some round blue plastic O.R. tissue pans here at work that are discards to build up the requisite set of 6 recommended for passaging the sand. I have noted that blond sand (and gold) does indeed get picked up by the clumping black sands even in the driest media... I was just going to run the black sands on the Miller Table, but this looks like a much, much better cleaning method. I may run them a time or two anyway just for peace of mind.
If they come out gold-free then I'll know I've got it down!