GARY SCHWALL Greenhorn Posts:20 
13 Apr 2015 03:33 AM |
Well just going thought the mining guide and seen there are no claims in north Carolina other than pay to dig spots for the gpaa . We need as many spots as California you know GOLD was first found in them hills now there is no hills to dig in please set us up with more claims not all the pay to dig places and if any members know any good places to look please drop a few lines cause we all know GOLD is where you find it . GO GPAA!!!
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
13 Apr 2015 10:28 AM |
I for one would be more than willing to do legwork if we can find out the process for GPAA to buy or lease a claim. I am not shy, I am more than willing to knock on doors and introduce myself.
Thomas Hall Greenhorn Posts: 
20 Apr 2015 07:28 PM |
I agree with needing claims in NC. I have panned in pisgah national forest but have not found anything. So my gold pan has been collecting dust for weeks now. My kids keep asking to go panning but we have no where to go.
Kenneth Swineford New Member Posts:33 
20 Apr 2015 08:29 PM |
That's not just a North Carolina issue, Its an issue relevant to the whole eastern U.S.A. There are areas in Maine, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania where a history of gold exists.
DENNIS JANKA New Member Posts:56 
27 Apr 2015 10:15 AM |
well guys here's the deal... the eastern u.s. has no claim filing like out west BLM FORESTRY the like so you ether have to buy good land with gold or do like tim said get out meet people find a creek or stream get permission to go on it and go from there.... you can't find a claim sitting in the house on the computer crying about it... i'm from montana put have prospecting friends in virginia that always have new places to go... so get out there and find some gold
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
10 Jul 2015 12:02 PM |
Like Dennis said. Got to get out and knock on doors. Get to know the owners if possible, don't show up like a hobo, offer to help around the place if they need anything done. Show the owners you are a responsible person and you might get permission to poke around. If you do get on, pick up and bag any trash you find, show them and take it out with you to dispose of. Treat their property like it was your own, (and not the local landfill). Won't work out all the time, but the once or twice it does, could pay off later, especially if they tell the neighbors you are one of the good guys.
Bryan Wolfe Greenhorn Posts:1 
26 Nov 2016 12:36 PM |
What is the point of being a GPAA member if we are the ones finding property and getting permission is more of the discussion for me. I have several places on private property I can go. But I do agree the GPAA needs to find some land to lease in NC, personally I just like meeting more like minded prospectors.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
26 Nov 2016 04:51 PM |
It follows just like everywhere/everyone else.....GPAA needs an "in". If you have access to property, talk with the owners and see if they would be open to a lease with GPAA. Since there are no "open" lands to file claims on as there is in the western US, there needs to be willing landowners, and someone back there to contact them and show that the GPAA is a willing, responsible partner. Contact your state director or the claims director at the head office. They can't do it all from across the country.
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
27 Nov 2016 04:15 AM |
Agree with Arthur, as usual. Being in GA, there are 3 LDMA camps within 4 hours, yet, we need additional access in the old adorn Mine Area of McCormick over into the Sixes Area. It is all either Sumpter National Forest, COE or private property. The issue of access to COE or National Forest land is better left to another thread. Encourage your chapters to do property searches for owners to get access to prospect a GB creek in your area.
WALTER EASON Buzzard Posts:581 
28 Nov 2016 10:50 AM |
HI all
We have had the question of why does GPAA need members to find areas in the east. We do look for areas in the east but the best areas many times are land owners that have had the properties in the family for generations. Now imagine your family through what ever means (trust, death or handing down) has trusted you to take care of the old family place of heritage. Now a national organization calls you out of the blue and asks you to let them, for a price, and all their members nationally dig on your property. What would be your answer? That is where the problem lies, they do not know of us and there fore it becomes a trust issue because they do not know us. If anyone finds a property you can contact both me or Richard (Chapter Director). Richard is on the east coast also.
Jonathan Stansberry New Member Posts:38 
28 Nov 2016 04:10 PM |
i know i live in a bad state to dig for gold. i live in west virginia i own 180 acres, but it is like 500. i would like somebody to come that knows something. i'm beginner. but if it was something you all would be able to dig the property place up. and i would help!!!!!!!! 
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
29 Nov 2016 05:39 AM |
Jon, Post a map of the area you live in WV. The New River has gold and as does other smaller stream systems. We may be able to point you in the right direction with all the experienced (sour dough's) miners here.
Timothy Clements Greenhorn Posts:3 
04 Jul 2020 12:42 AM |
I’m also a somewhat beginner but I have bought some maps from a engineering company and did alittle searching and found some gold in Santford NC and a few other places really by just hopping out the truck and jumping in the creeks off the road and panning but I am trying to find some places to go that aren’t a tourist spot ... my brothers wife is from wv and a very good friend of mine’s family is from there . I would love to come camp out and help you do some panning hiking or what ever we need to do and see if you got some gold there . I know I found some great fossils the last time I was up there building a deck for my brothers wife’s family hunting lodge... matter of fact when her family built there house they had to get the state out there because there property was smack dab in the heart of a major fossil hotspot if you call it ...
Gary Whited Highbanker Posts:120 
06 Jul 2020 11:04 PM |
I am also from WV and little gold exists except for very ancient volcanic activity areas associated with the early days of the Appalachian Mountains. It is next to impossible to find any geologic maps documenting these areas and the streams that drain from them. Most of the info I learned about was handed down from my grandfather who worked in the logging camps and coal mine areas during the depression decade. Suggest you hone your geology skills and focus on where the gold may have come from.