Carlene Wise Greenhorn Posts:1 
20 May 2022 05:18 PM |
Forgive a greenhorn, but should one find a large nugget or other sizeable find, where does one sell it? And how do you know what is a fair price?
Mary McCarty Basic Member Posts:140 
20 May 2022 05:57 PM |
I don't know the actual answer to this question except I've been following the mineral specimen market for the past few years, watching. A nice gold nugget is worth more as a mineral specimen than it is by gold weight alone. Gold in quartz matrix jewelry is especially valuable. There are many on line gold auctions selling nuggets. I'd cruise those for comparison. Value is subjective. We live in a "we say so" world. Good luck and happy selling! Mary
David Daugherty Greenhorn Posts:1 
21 May 2022 12:50 AM |
If you're looking for a potential buyer with a significant footprint in the prospecting community, I'd recommend checking with Dave at Goldbay.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
23 May 2022 06:46 PM |
Welcome Carlene, Dont sell anything until you have a firm idea of values, that means getting at least two quotes on what you have from different buyers. Pawn shops will low ball ya. Jewlers that employ goldsmiths will sometimes be buyers For fines, you want to try and get as close to "spot price" as you can Nuggets, depending on size and shape, will be more valuable than fines As stated above, nuggets that have quartz still attached will be of greater value. If you have "alot" of fines, as in oz's, contact a refiner Dont give anything away (unless to school kids) and dont get ripped off Know what you have. Bill
DAVID PHILIPS Greenhorn Posts:10 
25 May 2022 11:36 AM |
If you could find the "end buyer" you might get several times spot, but most people getting those high prices have a store, or are at a show, or have an established website, and all of those cost money. Then there is gold purity, I'm in Colorado,, the gold here is mostly around 82% so when people bring me placer gold, (we have a store) I will usually pay around 75% of spot for the gold. The bigger the gold the closer to spot I would pay. Dave at goldbay says he will pay spot, hopefully the nugget weighs enough to pay for the postage!