Last Post 28 Aug 2022 01:18 PM by  MICHAEL PANELLI
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Ruben Wijkhuise

22 Jul 2022 05:38 PM
    Hello everybody,

    Me and my girlfriend are from the Netherlands and going to make a trip of 5 weeks from 24th of july till 28th of august.
    One of the things i would like to do is a day of goldpanning. But we don't want to do this on a commercial site for tourists.

    Now maybe we could join some people or someone give us a tip for a nice spot, not too far from the road.
    We have this planned somewhere around Downieville on the 2nd of august

    Thanks for a reply

    William Hall

    22 Jul 2022 07:46 PM
    Welcome Ruben,

    Sorry, I'm of no help regaurding Downivillle area

    Point your browser to Roaring Camp, in Pine Grove, California
    Not to be confused with Roaring Camp railroad, although it's cool
    I believe they do day trips into a gold bearing canyon, check it out
    Good Luck, hope you go home with some color in your pocket

    Joseph Toth

    24 Jul 2022 06:09 AM
    Ruben, I have a nice spot I go to twice per week. I drive from south of San Francisco up to Auburn area if you want to ride along or meet up.

    Ruben Wijkhuise

    30 Jul 2022 03:54 PM
    Hi Joseph,

    Sorry for answering you so late, we were having problems getting our mobile connection setup

    It would be great meeting you in the Auburn area. Is it possible for the 3rd of August?
    How to get contact details from you?

    Mathilde & Ruben
    Sergio Ramirez
    New Member
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    31 Jul 2022 03:13 AM
    Hello all, sorry for the interruption,
    i'm just curious, where about do you go in Auburn? is it a GPAA claim?? I have not been able to get to any of GPAA claims yet, but this year I did go to the Auburn State Park near Auburn, went along the north American river and did some crevicing and found quite a bit of flood gold, about 10 to 40 colors in every pan, most very small but some nice flakes also. Doesn't amount to too much but I just enjoy finding the gold. They only allow hand mining, pan, trowel & such, but there's a lot of gold to be found in the crevices. You pay $10.oo to park all day and hike along the trails and find yourself some good spots. The bedrock is easy to break. I pan out the dirt & put the black sand & gold in a freezer bag to work on when I get home. I was surprised as to how much gold I found in about 4 hours, especially since it's public. Nothing big mind you but I guess you never know.
    Anyway, again sorry to pry, just curious. I live in the Bay Area.
    Ruben Wijkhuise

    01 Aug 2022 06:06 PM
    Hi Sergio,

    thanks for the information.
    I haven't got contact with Joseph till now.
    With your information i can go there, but i only need some prospecting tools like a pan. Is there a shop somewhere near Auburn?
    Sergio Ramirez
    New Member
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    01 Aug 2022 07:20 PM
    Hi Ruben,
    I haven't been to it yet but there's a mining company in Auburn called Pioneer Mining Supplies,
    878 High st, Auburn, CA
    open M-F 9:00 am to 6:00 pm/ Sat 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
    they sell all sorts of stuff.
    So, as well as a pan, I would get a crevice tool for digging out crevices and a good hand trowel and maybe a small rock pick and a strong screwdriver.
    Hope this helps.
    And remember not all crevices & areas have gold, you have to know what to look for before you dig. I have been reading a lot and seeing a lot of youtube vids that show you what to look for, Gary "Two-Toes Honnan is the best. I've been successful almost every time i have gone out because of this.
    Or, you may already know all this, I just thought I would mention it.
    When are you two going?
    If you need some more advice on this you can call me if you want.
    Sergio Ramirez
    New Member
    New Member

    01 Aug 2022 07:24 PM
    sorry Ruben, I usually do not answer my phone with numbers I do not know, but if you leave me a message saying your are Ruben and your phone number I will get back to you.
    Ruben Wijkhuise

    01 Aug 2022 10:58 PM
    Hi Serg,

    I've watched a lot of video's of Mike 'California motherlode prospectors' should meet him I. 2020. Then Covid came and our vacation was cancelled.
    Seen video's of Dan Hurd an Two Toes too.

    But someone that can explain more about a good spot could be helpful.
    Otherwise it will be a day playing in the water and hoping something to find.

    We will be there 3rd of August maybe we can meet? Or maybe you can point out a coordinate for a spot in the river?

    Do you use WhatsApp?
    Joseph Toth

    08 Aug 2022 10:43 AM
    Ruben, feel free to call or text me. 650-669-3217. I will be hitting the middle fork today Monday august 8th. Would love to see you guys up there.
    Joseph Toth

    08 Aug 2022 10:43 AM
    Ruben, feel free to call or text me. 650-669-3217. I will be hitting the middle fork today Monday august 8th. Would love to see you guys up there.
    Joseph Toth

    08 Aug 2022 10:43 AM
    Ruben, feel free to call or text me. 650-669-3217. I will be hitting the middle fork today Monday august 8th. Would love to see you guys up there.
    Ruben Wijkhuise

    15 Aug 2022 09:21 AM
    Hi Joseph,

    We were not there anymore. We are now in Utah.
    We were send to the Bear River campground by the lady of the Pioneer shop.
    She said it would be better there.
    We found a little color and got some from a prospector with a sluicebox. Very nice of him.
    Maybe we will prospect somewhere else on our drive.
    Sergio Ramirez
    New Member
    New Member

    16 Aug 2022 02:51 AM
    glad to hear you found some gold. I've been wanting to check out the Bear Creek campground. I'll go some day when I get a chance, it's open to the public, but what i like is they allow sluicing in the river. Good luck in your search for that shiny stuff.

    How did you do at the Middle Fork the other day? is that the middle fork of the American River?? I went to the North Fork this year & did pretty good crevicing. Thinking of going back there soon when I get the chance. If you want to meet sometime let me know, I wouldn't mind meeting a fellow miner.
    New Member
    New Member

    18 Aug 2022 12:09 PM
    Serg, Do you have a link for the Bear Creek campground? Or where I can get more info on it?

    Thanks for helping a newby.....

    Sergio Ramirez
    New Member
    New Member

    18 Aug 2022 01:12 PM
    Hi Jim,
    i'm sorry, I wrote Bear Creek, my mistake. It is "Bear River Park & campground"
    2500 Campground road, Colfax, just before Colfax on highway 80 take Placer Hills rd then take PlumTree rd.
    If you look up Bear River Park & Campground on Google maps you will see it. I have not been there yet
    but I hear you can find flood gold, open to the public. I hear a lot of miners go there, but they do allow sluice in the river,
    which is good.
    Auburn State Park is also a good one if you want to find color if your after mainly just flood gold, but if you keep digging I guess you never know.
    I have been to the north Fork of the American River and found a pretty good amount of flood gold in 4 hours, some good size flakes but mostly small, does not amount to too much, but its fun finding it and found colors in every pan. Did a lot of crevicing in the bedrock.
    New Member
    New Member

    18 Aug 2022 02:30 PM
    Awesome, thanks, I did find it on the map.....

    I am in Reno so I would need to plan a trip or find stuff closer.....

    Appreciate your help and tips.

    William Hall

    18 Aug 2022 07:05 PM
    Be prepared, the Bear is COLD at the campground
    Feeds from the bottom of the reservoir above


    28 Aug 2022 01:18 PM
    Hey Jim, my name is Mike. I live in Reno also and can help with some of your inquiries. I have worked the Bear river extensively, from below Rollins Res. and above Rollins Res. up to Alta, Ca. Also the Plumas claims in the guide and others. If you are interested in getting together, I can give you some assistance and answer some of your questions. Maybe plan a day trip as nothing is less than a hour and a half from Reno. So feel free to call or text Mike at 530-414-1549 or anybody else for that matter. Happy Diggins.
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