Dave Barenbrugge New Member Posts:32 
27 Sep 2022 03:49 PM |
Arizona being my home state and a new LDMA member I'm curious as to any local claims in the state that are good for high banking? I'm going purchase one anyway as we travel every summer to get out of the Phoenix heat and plan on hitting other states that I'm sure would get some use with. Figured Kevin may know as I believe it is his home state also. ;) Any input from anyone is greatly appreciated. Regards Dave
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
27 Sep 2022 06:40 PM |
Dave, As I am betting you know, the Arizona Highbanking season is pretty short and the dredge season (all six days of it this year) seems to be getting shorter every year with less Monsoonal activity. I’ve pretty much decided to go the route you’re thinking about and I’m going with a good 3” Highbanker/Dredge combo with an upgraded pump/motor then heading out to Idaho, Colorado, and Montana in the Summer. It just makes sense to me. Gives me a lot of options for different areas to work. Regards, Kevin
Dave Barenbrugge New Member Posts:32 
27 Sep 2022 08:18 PM |
Hi Kevin... Thanks for the input. I looked up and down and mostly all around. For me, I like that Gold Hog piglet system. The versatility of being able to break it down and throw it on your back to carry it in/out if needed seems ideal. Can also be used as a nice sluice and it is expandable to convert into a dredge if wanted with a small high pressure pump also. Pretty much covers all of my bases. On a side note...do you ever do any of the events in Stanton? Gonna jump in for my first the end of Oct and see what it's all about. Regards Dave
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
28 Sep 2022 11:58 AM |
Dave, The Piglet is a great choice for a more compact system and one that you will be very happy with. I have the Piglet’s predecessor (can’t remember for the life of me what Doc named it) and love the unit for smaller projects and is a go to for extensive testing of spots on a shorter time frame. My desire to go back to a large Highbanker/Dredge combo is based on the areas that I plan to mine over the next few years and having the oomph to maximize my recovery while running a bit more material. Plus, I have the room in the trailer for larger gear. As far as Stanton for this October, I may be back in time to “drop into” the outing. I have a pretty full schedule for Oct – Dec with a number of Chapter outings and a filming schedule while I’m on the road. Regards, Kevin
Dave Barenbrugge New Member Posts:32 
28 Sep 2022 02:03 PM |
Thanks Kevin.... Sounds like a plan and best of luck in your prospecting endeavors. Hope to see/meet you at Stanton. If not, in the future for sure. Regards Dave