Last Post 01 Oct 2022 08:34 PM by  Myrton Woolen
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Myrton Woolen

30 Sep 2022 10:27 AM
    like to go their know since it is cooling down .is this 300 plus ackees in Pima or Pima county. If this is around Pima it only 220 miles from me ;can you give direction to this claim ;i enjoy prospecting, i know 69 looking for 70 around the corner & i not young and like i was when i was young .but i still not dead and i still walk slower and dig slower and still seeing doctor know maybe if i was not heave hoe when i was younger i just might be faster today ;thank you still get new mexico gold it might not be nugget but it still gold little bitty but what the heck i enjoy it
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    30 Sep 2022 12:17 PM
    Driving directions for all GPAA claims is listed in the printed Mining guide. Please make sure to verify the claims with the Online Mining Guide.
    Unfortunately, Pima County had a number of claims closed by the BLM after the latest edition of the printed GPAA Mining Guide due to the claim owners not being able to meet several requirements.

    The best method is to use the Online Mining guide to verify the claims. If they are in the book and not online, those claims are closed. If you see claims in the Online Mining Guide and not in the printed Mining Guide, they are new claims.

    From the Online Mining Guide and if you have a smart phone, you can send the driving directions from the Ingress or Center of Claim (my preferred method) directly to your phone. From a computer you can download and print the turn-by-turn directions as well.

    Age in not an issue, I have been talking to a member that turned 82 this year, bought his first dredge and is heading out to the gold country in a few states before winter hits and is planning his 2023 mining season.
    Let us know how you do out there.
    Myrton Woolen

    01 Oct 2022 08:34 PM
    Rumore get started i just was curious ;i looked in mine guide and the new leases and check here for that info didnt find nothing so i ask ;and thanks .i been doing okay at grey back for years know i get small gold enjoy that and it easy to get to and easy digging ;and the weather okay here to exempt july aug and part of sept ;it nice to have a hobby and find gold ;it got a lake here it caballo mountains to play on with my atv i am enjoying the retirement age
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