JONATHAN RAY Greenhorn Posts:12 
25 Oct 2022 01:41 AM |
Kevin, As the subject matter expert that some of us turn to for the occasional shake down of detectors, have you penciled in a test for the new Garret Axiom PI detector? We would like to see how this performs and possibly how it stacks up against the GPX6000 and GPZ7000. I can see already that it is $2k less than the GPX6000 and I heard that in their design phase they were putting more emphasis on a better discrimination system that would ignore hot rocks better than the Minelabs. Thank you for your time and for what you do. Jon
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
25 Oct 2022 02:28 PM |
Jon, I have been using the Axiom for a few weeks now in different locations from CA. High Desert to the CA. Motherlode. I am impressed with the units abilities so far and now that I am back in AZ I will be working in one area with the unit as it is now and later with an update to be able to compare the versions. Please know that I am not doing comparrisons between the Axiom and other detectors, that's not what I do. I have pages of notes that I will be dorting through over the next month or two before I release any real thoughts but I will be posting short videos on the Axion's functionality and features as I go through the testing for review. If you are a Facebook user go to a 4 minute video that I have done on one of the Axiom's features that I really like
JONATHAN RAY Greenhorn Posts:12 
26 Oct 2022 04:03 AM |
Thanks for the quick response, Kevin. It will be interesting to read of your findings if and when you put an article in the Prospector Magazine. I went to the Garret website and there are actually quite a few videos with Steve Herschbach demonstrating setting up and using the Axiom. Up until a couple weeks ago I wasn't even aware that Garret was working on this but at first glance it may be something I would consider adding to my collection of detectors that I can use on my prospecting trips after retirement.
KEVIN HOAGLAND Basic Member Posts:366 
26 Oct 2022 12:18 PM |
Jon, I am really surprised that the Axiom was actually kept quite for as long as it did. I did see the video page on the site and as tempted as I was to watch Steve’s videos, I haven’t. I wanted to go into the Axiom with no one else’s thoughts or tips in my head. All from scratch for me, just the way I like it. 😊