Last Post 31 Oct 2022 04:54 PM by  DON GREENO
A Compliment to Kevin
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28 Oct 2022 07:26 PM
    today I received the new magazine Nov/Dec 22. when I opened it I always look for your WTG (where's the gold) article. That is my favorite bar none.
    I read it and looked it over closely and I just have to say..."GREAT INFORMATION" you obviously spent more time on this with the green and white areas and your break down is eye opening. Man you just nail it each time on WTG but I got a lot out of this and just wanted to say thank you. Good stuff.

    then I turned the pages and I read your Ask Kevin - Is less more, or is more less?

    ok I have read a bunch of articles, books and instructions but your breakdown of how to get the most out of your detector is so damn spot on. I have never heard anyone else put it simply the way you did here in this article. You have highlighted, what I feel, most do wrong. when done wrong you will miss targets, I HAVE MISSED A TON sad to say or admit. Even though I have been prospecting a while now I am always learning and detecting is an area many can learn more about like I just did. I frequent and post a lot on the Placer Pete claim in Barstow area, and I loved how one detectorist (Dan) would show his nuggets and tell what setting he was in on each post. he found a lot of nuggets there. but one thing he said is he used a gold monster 1000 ( I use the same) and he detected in the factory preset #1. Well I tried my best to find nuggets in that same setting on the same model machine and I could not scratch up a nugget there or anywhere. Junk yeah plenty of that, but no nuggets. most recently I have been frequenting the Summit, Hard diggins, Billy goats gruff claims in Hesperia area near the 138 and I did not find that much junk there. As a matter of fact the ground was pretty silent compared to other desert areas. but then I changed setting and lowered it 5 clicks, holy smokes, the ground lit up!!! I had targets! and I could hone in on the tiniest targets ever and I did not notice any loss of depth.....tiny stuff down 8+". I did not find gold on that claim detecting but lots of it drywashing, but the fact that I just experienced this myself, how to lower your settings to match the ground, and then I read your article and it details the rest? Wow! It all makes sense to me now. This I am thankful for. I AM SURE OTHER GPAA MEMBERS whether you hear feed back or not, will benefit from your experience in this article like I have. I never reach out to anyone in the GPAA, I post all my trips here on the web site but I just wanted to say thanks again. "Prospectors helping Prospectors" you live into the Leadership Principle of the old Buzzard George Massie. Thanks Kevin your article brought better understanding to this subject and that matters. Cheers!
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    31 Oct 2022 03:16 PM
    Thank you for the kind words.
    I'm adamantly shy when it comes to compliments and have the tendency to answer back with, “I’m just another fat guy digging in the dirt here to help”.
    You have no idea what it means to me to be able to give back what I have learned over the years to GPAA members and the mining community as a whole.
    You message encourages me to stay the path with blinders on with the singular goal to help others to realize and ultimately achieve the goals each of us set for ourselves.

    31 Oct 2022 04:54 PM
    I thank you for your response and also want to encourage you to stay on your path too.

    as a follow up on your article and my compliments I got up early yesterday with boot on the ground around 7am at the GPAA claims in Hesperia with my Gold Monster and drywash gear. I put my gold monster in auto set #1 and detected about a 12 x 12 area on a hillside. relatively quiet ground like i said prior, I then did the test you suggested and lowered my SPG like you said and all of a sudden AGAIN, I had many targets to choose from.
    although the other GPAA member (Dan) was successful on his machine in that setting while I was not and my machine needed tuning to the ground i was on.

    So lesson #2 I have learned is no 2 detectors are the same. Each needs to be tuned like you have instructed to be able to hear what is there and not pass over targets. when I say I found the smallest targets of all time I mean it!! NEVER have I found a eyelash sized wire I could barely see, or a half of the smallest bird shot i have ever seen. OMG! I am still blown away. that just says when the gold is there, I WILL hear it.
    I did not find any nuggets but only the fine stuff I drywashed but, i am more confident than ever now that I have tuned and know HOW TO TUNE my machine....WOW! Great lesson and after trying in the field I now know I will NOT be passing over gold as my Gold Monster 1000 is NOW tuned with a more experienced user swinging it. AND when I change ground I will do the test all over again to tune my machine.

    being a good leader, you may never hear what the people you lead feel about you till something goes wrong, right? that is a shame. it is for that reason I wanted you to know your articles helped me. I have spend my life in a Leadership role - most recently at a major insurance company, one of the top 4 largest in the USA. But with that said only now and then will anyone say anything nice to let me know the PULSE of how what I say is received by others and IF it was helpful. Feedback is encouraging and helpful to all of us.

    Believe it or not, you are an ICON in the Gold world and here at GPAA. you have a wealth of experience and the perfect platform to share with us members your instructions of success. what a great organization. Great people too which you are a Leader of.
    thanks again Kevin
    see you one day out in the field I hope - Don Greeno

    if you ever need any help in Southern Cal prospecting or sampling new claims or prospects please reach out to me anytime - I am sure you have your go to team of guys but my offer stands if needed. I dowse, detect, drywash, used to be a dredger till 2009, sluice, pan and an expert sampler/prospector. I am in my mid 50's and it would be my pleasure to help others not to mention Gold is my Love and Passion too. I am safe, knowledgeable, helpful, have all the gear needed and then some, and a great "Get er done!" attitude with a helpful hand to those who need it. my stories are truthful and accurate so no tall tales anyway,
    God bless you
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