Last Post 13 Mar 2024 07:11 PM by  Craig Crockett
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23 Nov 2022 03:32 PM
    I am 53 years old and I dig harder than ever. After a day in the desert Drywashing a guy can get some really bad CRAMPS in the legs, arms, hands, back, and neck.
    Well I travel about 100 miles each way to my desert GPAA claims and when I drive home there is always some stop and go traffic and that can be a real pain in the butt having to be on the brake on again and off again getting through traffic. that's when the LEG CRAMPS and FOOT CRAMPS kick in BAD!!!!

    In many cases I have had to pull over and stand up straight to stop the CRAMPING....OMG IT'S EVEN PAINFUL TO THINK AND TALK ABOUT...LOL

    well I have come across a few things that WORK to stop CRAMPS RIGHT NOW!!!

    here are the top 2 I have now used with GREAT SUCCESS!

    1. Pickle Juice!
    Yes you heard that right PICKLE JUICE! my prospecting partner is Joe. Joe owns a Landscaping business and he told me it is well know to Landscapers that PICKLE JUICE prevents and stops CRAMPING. Well believe it or not 2-3 Table Spoons of Pickle juice will do the trick. I even found they sell in a small 3 pack 2oz or so bottles of PICKLE JUICE BRINE. my wife bought me a few packs, I gave some to Joe and we took them with us to the desert. when we finished up prospecting for the day we each took a shot or two of the PICKLE JUICE and NO MORE CRAMPS. when we get home we take a few more table spoons from the Pickle Jar and you are good for the night. Take it as needed if more is needed.

    I was at Bible Study one Friday and my uncle leads it and started talking to a lady in the group and I heard him tell her " Well if you want to stop CRAMPS OR LEG CRAMPS OR ANY CRAMPS IN YOUR BODY JUST DRINK QUININE WATER AND NO MORE CRAMPS! STOPS THEM PRONTO!"
    I had to ask " what kind of water?" " Quinine Water - it's in Tonic Water!"
    well I bought a six pack of mini Tonic Water Cans by Schwepps and or Canada dry. I did not care much for the taste so I cut a half of lime and sqeezed it in there. Makes it taste better to me. But, to my surprise ALL MY CRAMPS DISAPEARED BEFORE I EVEN GOT IN THE TRUCK and the drives home so far have been problem free even with bad traffic. NO MORE ANKLE, FOOT, OR LEG CRAMPS. Drink it for the cramps but do not over due the Tonic Water as TOO MUCH can make you feel nauseated and stomach bloating or cramping. I do not drink more than 2 of the MINI cans. Works beautifully.

    Ultimately, Hydration is needed to PREVENT CRAMPS so HYDRATING PRIOR TO PROSPECTING is the best solution to keep the CRAMPS from starting in the first place so always drink plenty of water when prospecting and prior.

    this is the kind of information you only can get from anther person who has experienced it first hand. "SO FROM ONE PROSPECTOR TO ANOTHER.....DRINK PICKLE JUICE OR TONIC WATER TO STOP CRAMPING AFTER A HARD DAY PROSPECTING!"

    YOU CAN THANK ME LATER OR WHEN YOU SEE ME OUT ON THE CLAIMS...........................................................CHEERS!

    02 Dec 2022 06:56 PM
    Walgreens Pharmacy, sells an over the counter "leg cramp" pills they work really well cheap and very portable I use them hiking and hunting and when I teach Aikido. I am 71 years old and very active.
    Heavy Pans!

    02 Dec 2022 06:56 PM
    Walgreens Pharmacy, sells an over the counter "leg cramp" pills they work really well cheap and very portable I use them hiking and hunting and when I teach Aikido. I am 71 years old and very active.
    Heavy Pans!

    09 Dec 2022 08:27 PM
    Another thing to try is mustard. One tablespoon will knock them out within 10 minutes.
    Orv Campbell

    09 Feb 2023 12:46 AM
    yes, mustard works fast
    Scott Randall

    18 Jun 2023 11:05 AM
    I'm a hunter that even with hydration, I can feel the "burn" by the end of traversing up and down hills all day (and I just turned 60). A friend of mine is a marathon runner and I asked him how he does it, and he says simply taking Potassium pills. Well, now I always have several in a little ziplock baggie with me in my hunting pack that I'll pop as needed throughout the day and they work. Just a thought.
    Max Langeveld

    08 Nov 2023 09:54 AM
    All the above mentioned remedies work, however I stay with the Mustard, and next time when you are at a fast food place take a few of those sealed packages with you for backup.

    No refrigeration needed, place them strategical, you have them when you need it.
    New Member
    New Member

    11 Mar 2024 05:33 PM
    thats hilarious i use to laugh at my wifes aunts who would cry out "Mustard, Mustard Stat!". And I was like "Mustard, why Mustard?" i thought they were off there rocker, i just happen to see this and now im starting to wonder...
    Craig Crockett

    13 Mar 2024 07:11 PM
    Ever since I tore my hamstring on my left leg I would get very painful cramps. I tried a bunch of remedies. Than I started looking into the cause of the cramping. I found people are saying you dehydrated, your lacking this mineral or too much water. I finally came across a study about what is lacking in your system and magnesium kept coming up. Our diets as a whole (the foods we eat) contain almost none of this mineral which our body really needs to function. So I tried magnesium pills. Gave me bad heartburn and took too long to take effect. I needed something quick. I found at my local health food store Pure Magnesium Oil in a spay form. What the hell, I tried it the next time my leg cramped up. Sprayed it on the area massaged and it went away and did not come back that night or the next day. So that's my story on leg cramps and a way to help get through the pain. Mustard sound fun though, I may try that next time. Good luck
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