Michael Merrell Greenhorn Posts:16 
20 Dec 2022 01:53 PM |
Hey, A GPAA member for two years. Living in NOLA I have never had a chance to use my membership. I have only prospected in N.C. Tenn. and Ga. I know myself to be a “king of overkill”, by the time I build what I need there is usually a cheaper and maybe better factory model available but that will not stop me! I hope to head to Az. NV. N.M. in the spring. I see from reading here that the ground is getting pretty wet but maybe by the time I arrive it will be dry enough for drywashing. I can’t see a large purchase for what could be a onetime adventure. So I am beginning a bellows style washer. I can handle the build, will use a windshield wiper motor to operate the bellows. It’s the riffles where I need some help. I have only seen exhibits online, never up close. I have seen their height in some online forums @ 1/2 to3/4”; what would be a good spacing, how far apart? The biggest question I have, should there be a rake to the horizontal of the tray? Could I just use the riffles from my sluice, just install them backwards?
Gary Kessell Greenhorn Posts:24 
21 Dec 2022 08:54 PM |
I don't know much about dry washers but I am planning to head west to Arizona soon. I'm in Mobile down the road from you. Check out prospectingbuddy.org great group and very responsive'
Michael Merrell Greenhorn Posts:16 
21 Dec 2022 10:22 PM |
Hey thanks for the info. Got plenty of looks but no response, sort of glad I wasn't in need of some real assistance. Thanks again!
Jon Owens Greenhorn Posts:23 
23 Dec 2022 11:50 PM |
It has been pretty rainy this year, more to come in a few days. The desert needs it after our drought, but hopefully it drys out soon. I meant to bring a angle finder home but forgot. Eye balling I would say the riffles are 30° leaned from perpendicular approximately. Also the Keene uses Hungarian style for the lower few riffles. You might try a few different angles on the upper set, then try Hungarian on the lower. These boxes are longer than they are wide. About 3-5 inches apart for riffles depending on size of machine. Definitely put a slide door to close off your hopper. Use 1/2" expanded metal for classifier, but I run a 1/4" screen over that. Most of the goods are smaller. Detect your header pile afterwards if you feel its necessary. Good luck out there!
Jon Owens Greenhorn Posts:23 
23 Dec 2022 11:58 PM |
One more thing, dead air space. Where the riffle meets the fabric/tray, you don't want air to pass through. You can accomplish this a few ways (get crafty). Tape on the under side of the tray about 1/8" or so up from riffle. You could also use glue or another physical barrier like wood or plastic ect. The main idea is no air will blow anything out that is trapped in the deepest V in the drywasher. Also the tray can be set fairly steep. Hope this helps.
Michael Merrell Greenhorn Posts:16 
25 Dec 2022 10:18 AM |
And a Golden Christmas to you. Woke up this morning, checked under the tree and Santa had not brought me my drywasher. So in my disappointment I start reading emails and look here I got my xmas miracle Thanks Jon for the info mighty kind of you to make the effort and take the time. It was everything I was looking for. I appreciate the weather report also. So while I am still going to tinker around with building the frame and my boxes I am not in such a rush about the riffles. I DO appreciate the tip about the tape. Had to read it a few times before I got the gist of what you were saying, good tip! That is something I would not have picked up on by looking at the videos on YouTube. It pains me to think of what I could have lost by not knowing! Anyway, I have now started looking for a used gas powered leaf blower so I could build a bucket vac if it's still too wet to dry wash when I arrive. Living on top of marshland I kind of think of the desert as being complety waterless so the gold vac. has become my present focus. Any wisdom to pass along with that would be appreciated! Once again thank you and if you would be so kind, please leave some gold in the ground for me to find!
Jon Owens Greenhorn Posts:23 
25 Dec 2022 01:33 PM |
No problem Michael. I know how difficult it can be sometimes looking for the info you want. Here's a little more. Both my machines use a 9" wide tray. One is 22" long, the other is 30" long. Leading edge to edge riffle spacing is 3". The bucket vac is definitely a good idea. I made my own. Echo 2 stroke blower and home depot bucket. I would use a paint bucket if i were to do it again. I used 3/4" mdf and jig saw to cut out the center hole. Then drilled the hole pattern to mount to blower and uses longer screws. Also put rubber gasket material from Ace in-between to help seal. Then cut a hole in bucket lid and used short screws to attach it to the mdf. I used copper Rtv in-between these and on inner edge to seal. Next I used a couple different pipe fittings from HD. Hole saw through bucket half way up. Don't use a knife. I threaded the pipe fitting through from inside out and used Rtv again. I then put a locking nut on the out side and tightend it down hard. I did have to use a lathe to turn down part of Nut diameter so the hose fitting would connect. I used a 90 degree elbow inside (not glued) and mess with the angle it points. This gives a centrifuge effect. De- burr /chamfer/ bevel all edges. For hose it's semi clear pool hose that pipe fittings happened to thread into. I believe it's a 2" pipe fittings. Stop by A&B prospecting if you get a chance, they have a used section you can find deals in. Merry Christmas! Jon
Michael Merrell Greenhorn Posts:16 
25 Dec 2022 08:34 PM |
I definitely appreciate the reply seems you know what you're speaking about Jon. Its nice to have a bit of instruction when starting out and you definitely explain things well. Have plenty to work with now and just might be able to work out all the kinks before I arrive in the field. I'll get to work on it as soon as I sleep off Christmas and send everyone home! Again, I do appreciate your time and effort . Thank You
Michael Merrell Greenhorn Posts:16 
25 Dec 2022 08:34 PM |
I definitely appreciate the reply seems you know what you're speaking about Jon. Its nice to have a bit of instruction when starting out and you definitely explain things well. Have plenty to work with now and just might be able to work out all the kinks before I arrive in the field. I'll get to work on it as soon as I sleep off Christmas and send everyone home! Again, I do appreciate your time and effort . Thank You