Good morning from the cental time zone. Packed out from South Dakota to Arizona with pick, shovel, metal detector buckets and pans. Got to Meadview where Deanna Costen of the Nevada chapter was most helpful in getting me in and out of the Bahde claims. Thank you Deanna Costen for looking out for me on that adventure. She was also helpful in getting me some prospecting on BLM just outside of Lake Havasu. Break for Thanksgiving,,,, Thomas Allen of the Phoenix chapter hooked me up with Cowboy Jim and Janine Jacobs. of who where prospecting the Dickinson claim the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Boot on the ground and metal detecting the Dickinson claim. How can I thank the Jacobs enough for lessons and a moniker "Dakota Tim" not to mention the AU. So greenhorns read your magazines and use your directory tools as important as the pan, pick and shovels.