Stan Calavan New Member Posts:28 
23 Feb 2023 11:46 PM |
Good evening, I bought a new Royal explorer drywasher and have been trying to dial it in on my back porch. I found a spot near Morristown that has pretty good fine gold. I brought a sample bucket home to play with. Dried it all out and my first run got 5 small specks. I ran the material again and found nothing. Decided to do a half a pan of the same material and found another 7 small specks that the drywasher missed. I am running the blower on idol so I know that I am not blowing the gold out. Maybe these drywasher just can't get a very high percentage of this fine gold. Any helpful hints would be greatly appreciated Thanks Stan
ROBERT MARTINEZ New Member Posts:62 
25 Feb 2023 02:10 PM |
Maybe because there isn't enough heavy material to help hold the gold in the riffles the air is blowing it out. More material will contain the black sands that will sit on top of the gold and help hold it in. Also maybe put some tape on the underside behind the top few riffles to create dead spots for gold to get trapped.
Stan Calavan New Member Posts:28 
13 Mar 2023 07:43 PM |
Thanks for the helpful hint. I will give the tape a try.
Stan Calavan New Member Posts:28 
13 Mar 2023 07:43 PM |
Thanks for the helpful hint. I will give the tape a try.
Stan Calavan New Member Posts:28 
13 Mar 2023 07:43 PM |
Thanks for the helpful hint. I will give the tape a try.
Stan Calavan New Member Posts:28 
13 Mar 2023 07:43 PM |
Thanks for the helpful hint. I will give the tape a try.
Stan Calavan New Member Posts:28 
13 Mar 2023 07:44 PM |
Thanks for the helpful hint. I will give the tape a try.
Stan Calavan New Member Posts:28 
13 Mar 2023 07:44 PM |
Thanks for the helpful hint. I will give the tape a try.
Jonathan Loretto Greenhorn Posts:10 
27 Mar 2023 08:54 PM |
Hi, I'm planning a trip to Las Vegas NV via I-40 from Albuquerque NM. Was wondering if there are any GPAA claims nearing the Nevada border on this route? Between Kingman and Las Vegas? Appreciate any help and advise. Thank you.