Jonathan Loretto Greenhorn Posts:10 
28 Mar 2023 06:28 PM |
Hi everyone, I'm planning a trip from Albuquerque NM to Las Vegas NV at the end of the week, via I-40. Was wondering if anyone knows of any GPAA areas between Kingman and Las Vegas? Mostly want to get sample buckets for a return trip if anything does appear in a clean-out. Your help would be much appreciated, thank you all.
SHANE WININGER Greenhorn Posts:6 
29 Mar 2023 01:58 AM |
Jonathan, The Bahde claims 10,11,12,13,14,17 and 18 are all about 45 min. off highway 93 on your way to Las Vegas.
Jonathan Loretto Greenhorn Posts:10 
29 Mar 2023 03:12 PM |
Thank you very much. I'm a very fresh greenhorn, amazing how long it takes to get a system paid for and up and ready to do the whole washing part. Getting the material is my next step, and finding places to get it. This will help a lot. Is there some kind of map I can download? Just to be sure I'm not trespassing in the wrong areas? Thanks again.
SHANE WININGER Greenhorn Posts:6 
29 Mar 2023 09:28 PM |
Jonathan, I don't know of any map downloads, but if you get your mining guide, find claim you are looking for, the GPS cord. are on that page. go to google earth put in cords. you can also use cell phone. Are you dry washing, metal D. or high banking ?
Jonathan Loretto Greenhorn Posts:10 
29 Mar 2023 09:50 PM |
Hi Shane, I'm actually doing a material grab. I'll haul buckets of dirt, and bring home to use on my sluice. I don't have a whole lot of time to spend out there, wish I did. I'll classify the material first and try a couple of pans to see if theres any chance of finding metal. Thanks for your advice. I'm in the very, very beginning of this journey. I'll spend a day there on Friday, then off to Vegas. Thanks again.
SHANE WININGER Greenhorn Posts:6 
29 Mar 2023 10:38 PM |
Jonathan, 10-4 on the material grab, good luck and don't lose your A$$ in Vegas.
Jonathan Loretto Greenhorn Posts:10 
29 Mar 2023 11:02 PM |
Hi Shane, Not gambling. Going to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers at the Allegiant Stadium. Thanks for all your help. I'm looking online at directions etc..
SHANE WININGER Greenhorn Posts:6 
29 Mar 2023 11:22 PM |
Jonathan, more than one way to lose your A$$ in Vegas.