Last Post 10 Jan 2024 12:26 PM by  Joel Thomson
Gold Prrospecors 1, 2, 4 and Warrior
 2 Replies
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Author Messages
Scott Randall

18 Jun 2023 10:55 AM
    Heading down to San Diego from 5-9 July to visit in-laws with the wife and I usually get ridiculously bored so I'm thinking of checking out one of the local claims. Is there anyone interested? It's my first time at that claim, but I do plan on bringing gear, including a metal detector and possibly a sluice, if I can fit it in the wife's car. Let me know.
    Steven Victor

    09 Jan 2024 04:30 PM
    If you are ever back in San Diego, let me know in advance. I just got into prospecting and have only gone by myself, which is both good and bad. Good, because I love the uninterrupted sounds of nature and I can leave whenever I want and bad, because there's safety in numbers and it can get boring after a while and motivation is needed. Plus, since I'm new, I can stand to learn new techniques.
    Joel Thomson

    10 Jan 2024 12:26 PM

    I wouldn't expect much water in the creeks there in July. Might be plenty of Poison Oak, though. Buy a pint of Tec-nu and you should be fine! 😂
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