Last Post 23 Feb 2019 01:37 AM by  Don Wendt
Lytle creek middle fork 1-3 (A)
 11 Replies
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Kevin Ryan

26 Apr 2015 05:17 PM

    Ok I know I am new here. I do have a question I went to Lytle creek a couple of time to find the middle fork 1-3 (A) claim I was following the direction in the book after I  made the turn on the middle fork rd I found the road on the left but it was only a mile down the road. Today I went down the same road and went the 2.5 miles and did not find any road on the left. So what am I doing wrong or missing?. I do not have a gps yet but am looking at getting one soon.


    29 Apr 2015 07:40 AM
    Kevin, I was just watching some of the past episodes of Gold Trails. Episode #9 features Keene dustless dry washer and the local chapter for that area, Route 66 I believe. Take a look, you may find the person that can help.
    Kevin Ryan

    29 Apr 2015 12:48 PM
    Thank you Gary for the information. I have meet Pat a few years ago I well check out Route 66 chapter
    Kevin Ryan

    04 May 2015 11:50 AM
    Ok I found it I went out and bought an garmin etrex 20 and found a little bit of gold
    Jim Locke
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    08 May 2015 02:45 PM
    Glad to hear that you were able to find it....AND found a little color!
    I, also am new - and not too far from that area. I am looking forward to giving that claim a shot in the near future!
    Kevin Ryan

    08 May 2015 04:07 PM
    If you what someone to go with you let me know. maybe we can arrange something.
    Jim Locke
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    08 May 2015 04:17 PM
    Sounds like an idea, will sure keep it in mind!

    Have a great weekend
    Peter Fritz

    24 Aug 2015 05:27 PM
    I have been to that area a couple times.. and hear many jump the claim.. after you get on the middle fork road go to the place where there is a turn off,, it is past where you have to make the right hand turn after the road goes dirt. I think there was an out house there.... that is about the start of the claim. You can go further to the next turn off. I was told there you go and look in the old river for gold.. dig old big rocks. I was in my MH so did not venture past the first turn off not sure what lies ahead, ie, a turn around point..
    Martin Sohlberg

    31 Oct 2015 06:55 PM

    My friends and I visited Middle Fork 1-3 today.  I was able to drive to the NW end of the claim, but found two vehicles already in that area.  We would have considered checking it out but didn't know just how far from the road there would be water, if any, and how difficult walking down from the road would be (we're not kids anymore).  We returned to the SE end of the claim and worked the walls on both sides of the creek.  We found only 3 very small dots.  Can anyone give us information on the other end of the claim?  Has anyone had any success on the SE end?  It was a beautiful day and it was great to get out.  Little disappointed in our success.

    Steve Scukanec
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    05 Dec 2016 09:54 PM
    I have been able to map out the location of the claim in the book using my handheld GPS - Even found one of the claim markers! Didn't do any prospecting but will very soon. The road to the middle fork is narrow at the start and you need to go over a one lane bridge. The road turns to a dirt road and got very bumpy about half way up to the end of the road. I really suggest a 4WD vehicle. The 4WD F-250 made it but is was a bumpy ride. The walk to the river can be challenging. A lot of boulders and moving rock. Wear good shoes. You can get to water about 200 or so yards from the road if you get up the road far enough. The road follows the river but does gain in altitude for the first half or so. As you get past the mid point the road and river get closer to each other. The end of the road is just about the end of the claim. We were there on a weekday and we were the only ones there. I will be going back up soon, there is a small amount of water running at the moment and with the right work you could get a very small sluice box there. Metal detecting or a power recirculating sluice may do the trick. Have fun.
    John Bockes

    20 Feb 2019 07:41 PM
    Hello, What ever happened to this claim listing? It is not in the latest mining guide 2018.
    Don Wendt
    New Member
    New Member

    23 Feb 2019 01:37 AM
    Posted By JOHN BOCKES on 20 Feb 2019 07:41 PM
    Hello, What ever happened to this claim listing? It is not in the latest mining guide 2018.
    No longer a GPAA Claim, there was a paperwork goof and while paperwork was being bounced someone else snagged the claim.
    Only lytle creek claim active is “”SB able 30”
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