DON GREENO Highbanker Posts:110 
08 Jan 2024 03:51 PM |
Hi Kevin, I wish so bad to be able to be at this outing and wish I could join you on 1/10-11 in Lytle Creek SB ABLE 30L and the Hey Budee 10 - 1/13-14 but I am not able to. the Summitt claims you visited on 1/6-7 is some of my favorite claims - I want to hear from you about your day. Can you post an update on what you found, and what you experienced on these dates here on this forum thread??? the SB ABLE - I have tried this claim a few times and posted my results but my mind says you must get to the far WEST SIDE where the water will flow if it is at all. the area that is in between the parking spot and that far west side is riddled with LED and BULLETS and the digging is some of the hardest I have experienced and will take some real BUSH WACKING to get there.. Tough to get through but that is where you need to spend your time from that water path to the base of the hills to the West. You can see on Google Earth the area I am talking about. the other is the hill just across the street from the parking spot - just a note some Gold is coming off that hill and at the base and in the crevasses. I have sampled a few really hard to get to spots at the base of that hill and found some there. Tough to get to due to Bushes and Brush. again, wish so bad I had the time to meet you out there but wanted to wish you luck AND hear about your day and what you experienced and found. thanks Kevin for all you do Don Greeno
Joel Thomson Greenhorn Posts:9 
08 Jan 2024 05:42 PM |
Don, Where are you seeing info about those Gold Trails events (1/10-11/2024, etc.) listed? If I click on Mining Events / GPAA Events, and click on View Kevin's Schedule..., I see "CHECK BACK FOR UPDATES" and that GPAA is "in the middle of planning future Gold Trails events". Thanks! Joel T
DON GREENO Highbanker Posts:110 
08 Jan 2024 06:11 PM |
in the 2024 GPAA & LDMA Event Guide featuring Gold Trials Prospecting events and LDMA outings supplement to gold prospectors magazine Nov/Dec 2023 on page 3
Joel Thomson Greenhorn Posts:9 
08 Jan 2024 07:04 PM |
Thanks, Don! Oh, yeah. I had forgotten about those event guides. I had signed up for the Feb. 10-11 event at the Congress Group claims, but, that event was cancelled (after we made our travel plans). The GPAA office was kind enough to phone with the cancellation news. The website appears to be not just incomplete, but, misleading with regard to the reason that there are no events listed online.
STANLEY SHIELDS New Member Posts:64 
14 Apr 2024 08:09 AM |
Yeah, both I signed up for were cancelled.
Sean Bush Greenhorn Posts:21 
17 Jun 2024 11:45 PM |
Hi All, If you haven't noticed, there are Gold Trail events at LDMA's Italian Bar from mid August to early September, 2024. Just check out the Mining Events tab. I went to a Gold Trails event there in May and it was beyond awesome! Though it is held at an LDMA location, GPAA members are welcome and the camp hosts are great! I learned a lot, made friends and truly appreciate Kevin and his willingness to share mining knowledge. Heads up, the road from Columbia to I Bar is a mere 4.1 miles, but it will take a half an hour. It's an adventure for sure and a beautiful place, I just wish I had made time to poke around the State historic park in Columbia. Cheers, Sean