Leroy Fenn Greenhorn Posts:4 
07 Feb 2024 03:08 PM |
I am heading to Phoenix, AZ this next week, and want to do some dry panning. Any suggestions on claims that are "close" to Phoenix that you would recommend? I have never dry panned before, and am going to try out my Gold Claw pan while I am out there. Any claims you would recommend that are within an hour or so of Phoenix? Any locations on the claims (if willing to share)? Any advice for a newbie for locating where to sample? I have been prospecting for just over a year in Oregon, and have had decent luck finding gold on riverbanks. Thank you in advance for any advice lent!
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
07 Feb 2024 04:34 PM |
Hey Leroy, Welcome, I dont have any advise as to claims. If going any time soon, I would strongly suggest paying close attention to the weather Flash floods, debris flows, high water in places you wouldn't think there would be Just because it is not raining on you or near you, be aware up stream. Other wise, good luck Bill
Leroy Fenn Greenhorn Posts:4 
07 Feb 2024 05:20 PM |
Wow! Thank you, Bill. We are arriving on the 14th, and I will probably try to get out on the 16th. I will monitor the weather forecast. How fast does a flash flood or debris flow hit? I am used to Oregon weather, where it just rains, and rains, and rains :)
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
07 Feb 2024 07:03 PM |
Leroy, Look at SoCal weather, not trying to scare you, but to inform you everything moving through SoCal makes its way to AZ SoCal is getting hammered with wild weather, houses sliding off hill sides, wild wild weather They are calling this a 1000 year flood Be aware, flash floods sneak up on you Bill
Richard Stephens Greenhorn Posts:1 
07 Feb 2024 07:53 PM |
I heard that high ground till spring thaw (sometimes daily); is the way in that area. But the claims are even in the book without applied terrain and temperate zonals in weather science…The camping and gathering bit are in those mountains there; and the magazine explains the outings and camps are from yearly to winter, some accessed year round others closed to services and it is wintertime. Events are spring to fall. Myself, I am fine during winter months not fighting a glacier float or flood in front of it downhill where it is safer! Then after the flood; there will be newbeing gold up there somewhere! LDMA! Stay safe is the rule, adventure can be done safely with the right equipment; like fur and snowmobiles to get in and out. They dive under ice out of Nome. To me, that would be what is needed in mountain area claims to do the work; too costly; even the loggers work the winters. But people that have equipment do! Heated water, thawed dirt; myself, I just buy a bag or bucket and cozy up to my fire.
STANLEY SHIELDS New Member Posts:64 
08 Feb 2024 09:18 PM |
My thoughts are go to Facebook / GPAP ,Phoenix . I'm sure someone there can help . AMRA has something going on near Wickenburg 17- 18 . You should see it online.
Leroy Fenn Greenhorn Posts:4 
09 Feb 2024 04:07 PM |
Thanks, Stan! That is a great idea. I just submitted my request to join their group.