I have a Gold Fox trommel for sale, it is their 5 inch Standard trommel in RED. Trommel runs off of a 12 volt power supply, and has a 1 1/4" threaded male hose attachment. Includes two barrels (1/4 and 3/8 holes), installed speed-up gear and a 2 foot long home-made sluice extension. Equipped with Gold Hog, Dream Mat and miner's moss/expanded metal riffles. Also included is a Duralast lead-acid battery (approximately 90 Ah), and Battery Tender trickle charger. Old asking price was $1000 check or $800 cash, now asking $700 check or $500 cash. Trommel is located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Contact Ralph at coloradorockhound@comcast.net for info, I can email you a photo if you wish.