Frank Franco Greenhorn Posts:11 
18 Sep 2024 08:46 PM |
Is black sand worth anything? Is there a place that buys it? What can I use it for? Thanks for any answers to my questions
Kevin Wilkinson Greenhorn Posts:6 
18 Sep 2024 09:12 PM |
i had kinda wondered that myself until i was recently watching an episode of mine rescue, with the two mechanics from the hoffman mining show, this guy saves all the black sand and sells it in 5 pound bags, apparently its used in rare metal magnets? i think that's what he said in the episode
Robert Wesley Greenhorn Posts:2 
26 Sep 2024 03:01 PM |
I had someone say that rose bushes like it. So I dumped a few pounds in our rose bushes and they really seemed to get a lot of new blooms. Not a scientific level finding..... But it did seem to work very well.
Scott Randall Greenhorn Posts:15 
27 Sep 2024 12:56 AM |
I put some classified, clean black sand into decorative glass bottles (that you can get from Hobby Lobby or Micheal's) and put them on shelves.
Jesse Lechner Greenhorn Posts:3 
27 Sep 2024 04:18 PM |
I used to get steel filings from a local brake drum shop to spread around my roses every couple years, they love the iron as it slowly disintegrates. your magnetite tailings work the same way.