Mike Eiler Greenhorn Posts:8 
05 May 2015 09:56 AM |
Our first adventure in prospecting , to scout out the Hard Times claim, 4 x 4 filled up, high-lift jack, power winch ready, extra food, water, clothes and blankets, shovels, flares, GPS, camera, and showed the kids where we were heading, you get the idea, hopefully we were ready for just about anything when going off-roading. Found NF road 462 (mile marker 74 3/4, its marked "Bear something trailhead", hung a left, and turned on GPS, followed for about 2.1 miles, crossed a culvert and parked next to a small creek. This was not Morse Creek but GPS said we were about the center of the claim. Because of snow and mud we decided to stay here and hike around and not get stuck and become a resident of Hard Wages. What a beautiful area, a babbling creek, blue sky, and lots of fresh bear poo. Needless to say we did not go to far from the vehicle but in our hiking we noticed new federal mining signs for three different claims all within 100 feet of the truck all with ormc #'s on them. So we just sat by the creek, ate our lunch, and enjoyed an amazing afternoon then returned home. I got home, double-checked lats @ longs with Google earth and a BLM map, downloaded the GPS info and every thing said I was in the right place, I am new to this but to anyone that has been there, was I in the right area. The other signs had ormc #'s 155042, 155043, and 155041 all seemed to be very new. I have the "Gold Maps online for Washington" but it doesn't breakdown claim info smaller than sections and have been unsuccessful at finding that information on the BLM site. Any help would be appreciated. thanks and have a great day...
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
05 May 2015 03:55 PM |
If I remember correctly Washington has the BLM like Utah, Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming, Oregon, and Montana. It's always best to call them ahead of time and tell them you are going to be up there and what you are doing and ask them for any advice. They usually have a wealth of information and appreciate the call, plus they can fill you in on claim changes. I was having a hard time locating a claim recently because somebody removed the markers and ran into the local Parks and Wildlife crew doing a Falcon survey and they revealed to me I was standing in the center of the claim with them. My GPS was dead on but all the markers had to been taken down by somebody and these came right out of the GPAA book.
Benjamin Crain Basic Member Posts:351 
05 May 2015 04:20 PM |
BTW, two thumbs up for being responsible and teaching that to your kids.
Jason Tollefson Greenhorn Posts: 
08 Jun 2016 08:06 PM |
I know this has been a year past when you posted your question. I recently went up to the claim up there and it is very confusing. No Hard Wages claim signs or anything except a bunch of LU LU Bell claim signs. So not wanting to get into a gun battle about mining claims; we packed up and drove back home. My research on the BLM LR2000 database basically shows all of the LU LU Bell Claims I through XIII were all closed in the late 90's. The weird thing is these signs are not the metal claim markers i have seen in other areas and they look brand new not 18 years old. I plan on calling the BLM office tomorrow and try to get to the bottom of this.
Mike Eiler Greenhorn Posts:8 
08 Jun 2016 08:53 PM |
Jason... well it has been a year but if I remember right there were also claim signs for Elizabeth one and two also and those signs looked new. I had parked in that large open area just after going over that small creek, there seemed to be some old possibly mining equipment just up the creek. My metal detector was one giant hit in that area. I was carrying a GPS with me and it tracked all of our hiking around with great accuracy, right down to reading that trail-head sign. I kinda got frustrated trying to find more about and just started going to Yellowjacket creek. Haven't found much of anything there, just a couple small flakes, real small flakes! I would like to find Hard Wages so let me know if you find anything and I will try to find my notes and start researching again and keep you updated. Thanks for your response to my post, Mike
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
09 Jun 2016 06:22 AM |
Mike- contact Steve (WA state director). I know he is working to get things on track up there (and here as well since he is OR director as well). Signs have a habit of walking off into the sunset, sometimes as fast as they are put up.
You will find that all claims are administered by BLM, no matter if on BLM or USFS ground. Since BLM uses one office for both OR and WA, all the claims in WA will have ORMC numbers.
I know Walt was right on top of an issue we had with a possible overfile here, and it turned out the guy just posted the sign in the wrong place--his new claim was the next one upstream of the GPAA claim.
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
09 Jun 2016 04:51 PM |
Is it possible that someone is spoofing GPAA types ie. Posting useless signs, moving, removing real signs and such ? Down here in Calif its refreshing to see any sign, except a stop sign For us, the only real way to know, is a trip to the county recorders office, weather BLM, forest circus or other Hopefully GPAA staff has done the homework (research) for the definitive answer regarding GPAA claims That is why I joined Bill
JEFF STONE Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Jun 2016 01:20 PM |
Almost took the drive to Hard Wages yesterday. Stayed local instead. Hope the location gets worked out, I'd hate to spending the day looking for the claim instead of prospectiing for gold. Its a 2 hour drive from my location.
Matt Stone Greenhorn Posts: 
04 Aug 2016 02:04 PM |
Posted By Jason Tollefson on 08 Jun 2016 08:06 PM
I know this has been a year past when you posted your question. I recently went up to the claim up there and it is very confusing. No Hard Wages claim signs or anything except a bunch of LU LU Bell claim signs. So not wanting to get into a gun battle about mining claims; we packed up and drove back home. My research on the BLM LR2000 database basically shows all of the LU LU Bell Claims I through XIII were all closed in the late 90's. The weird thing is these signs are not the metal claim markers i have seen in other areas and they look brand new not 18 years old. I plan on calling the BLM office tomorrow and try to get to the bottom of this.
Looks like my first post has found your guy's thread! Has anyone heard anything new on this? @Jason- Were you able to get any information from the BLM office that would help sort things out? I was thinking of heading to this location myself sometime and in my looking things up/trying to learn more about this location came across this thread, Living a few hours away from it, I don't to drive all that way just to have lunch . I know this thread seems to be an older one, ranging from over a year ago up to a couple of months ago, and that most people are probably out in the field about now, but if anyone has any new information it would be appreciated.
Jason Tollefson Greenhorn Posts: 
04 Aug 2016 06:01 PM |
I have not gotten in touch with the BLM. At the moment I am chasing a helicopter around the countryside. (fire season). I have been up there a few times and the "Elizabeth" claim signs both one and two are posted in the wrong township. They are posted in 31 and they should be in 32 or vice versa. I dont have everything in front of me. I would say there is a definite over signage. Thats not for me to decide though. I didn't make it to the claim marker but looking on the maps there are two prospects marked within the claim boundaries and i hiked to both of those. So I would say you are in the right area the Elizabeth signs are not. and keep an eye out for critters its called bear gap for a reason. Lots of fresh tracks and poo . So hopefully i just confused you even more now.
Mike Eiler Greenhorn Posts:8 
04 Aug 2016 08:53 PM |
Lulu bell 1, Lulu bell2 and elixabeth 2 are all active claims, The are administered by a local club that i am also a member of. I have got the GPS cords and maps of all of them and was going to try to go up there the 13th if I get home from Idaho. I guess I can't lose where ever I go in that area. I'll be in a gray 93 dodge 4x4, two thoughts are better than one. A while back I stumbled across a map linked to BLM that I could insert cords into, but have not been able to find it again. think I'll start the search again and try to meet up with the GPAA local chapter meeting. Thats all I got, have a great day,
JEFF STONE Greenhorn Posts: 
05 Aug 2016 07:59 AM |
Wife and I planning on going to claim tomorrow, All I have is an IPHONE 6 and the Mining Guide. I'm doubting I having any success finding the claim let-along color from what it sounds like. If I work any ground in our Books MAP would I be covered legally?
Also, how's access to the creek, map looks like steep elevation lines to get down, was thinking if I cant get down to the creek just digging round the hillsides and panning at home.
Matt Stone Greenhorn Posts: 
05 Aug 2016 06:18 PM |
Posted By JEFF STONE on 05 Aug 2016 07:59 AM
Wife and I planning on going to claim tomorrow, All I have is an IPHONE 6 and the Mining Guide. I'm doubting I having any success finding the claim let-along color from what it sounds like. If I work any ground in our Books MAP would I be covered legally?
Also, how's access to the creek, map looks like steep elevation lines to get down, was thinking if I cant get down to the creek just digging round the hillsides and panning at home.
Hello Jeff (No relation as far as I know ) I had spoken with Forest Services Recreational Supervisor Bill Simmer after reading on a local chapters web page that the NF462 was a little rough. He had informed me that the road hadn't had much maintenance done on it for a little bit and one of the smaller unnamed creeks had been rough on a certain part of it. He stated that as long as someone have 4wd and some experience with it as well any sort of clearance under their vehicle they should be fine, he said there are not any drastic slopes that go up or down hill, but there is obviously a downhill slope right off the road. I have taken my F150 down/up jeep trails before and that was stressful enough to not want to ever do that sort of thing again , but with what he said and how the elevation looks on the road on Google earth I don't feel it would be stressful getting out there, provided that things are dry on the road. He said that most the snow has already melted off with a small bit remaining up a the peaks around the area.
From what people are saying it shouldn't be too hard to find/make sure you are on the claim. Don't know if you use it at all, but if you use google earth you can add points to it based off of Coordinates and that might give you a better idea where to look for markers, its one thing looking down at an area where it should be and another actually being on the ground and finding it though. I'll try to send you a message with what I have done on google earth. Sorry for the long read, just trying to give as much info to your question that I am able .
I plan on heading out next weekend just to check things out and look around and make sure of things and get a better idea and plan in my mind, who knows, might run into mike while up there. You'll have to drop us a line and let us know what things were like. Good luck, and have fun. oh and one more thing, when your out even on the GPAA claims make sure you have your Gold and Fish pamphlet/book with you, I am fairly certain its required at all times in Washington State.
Mike Eiler Greenhorn Posts:8 
05 Aug 2016 08:51 PM |
Hi Jeff, A two wheel drive can get down to the clearing, you might get a branch rub or two but do need more ground clearence . I never got down to the creek due the to much snow, but what I did walk down that way a bit didn't look real bad. I parked at the clearing about 2.1 miles in just after crossing a small creek. My GPS put me almost right in the middle of he claim and google map with cords did the same. Personally and in my nonprofessional opinion that is the claim, and the other signs are in the wrong place. If you park about where i did and look to east there is a large dirt bank, I got quite a few hits on the detector and we took several buckets home to pan, a few nice colors, a few soda or beer tabs and a shell casing. Oh well it was are first "wild" gold so we were pretty excited. Good luck and have fun and let us know how you did.
PS might throw in a chain saw and a tow strap, there were a few fresh downed trees when I was there
JEFF STONE Greenhorn Posts: 
07 Aug 2016 03:26 PM |
Sorry folks, I couldn't get to Hard Wages this weekend like Hoped, but did get to Peshastin Creek for the morning. Will try again in a coupe weeks, I hope.
A PIC of my Peshastin Creek color for Saturday.

Mike Eiler Greenhorn Posts:8 
07 Aug 2016 07:43 PM |
JOEBOB FECTEAU Greenhorn Posts:24 
08 Aug 2016 09:59 PM |
Hi all I found Hardwages in 8/2015 and had no problem reaching the claim with my all wheel drive santefa, it was a little sloppy from the rain but got in and out no problem. I punched in the cords on my gps from the guide book, and had luck finding it. I'm heading up there from the try-cities Tuesday the 9 (tomorrow) with my boys to play around and camp a few days. Ill post up what I find and if your heading that way I driving a black silverdo quadcab. with two bays and a dog.
JEFF STONE Greenhorn Posts: 
11 Aug 2016 01:34 PM |
Glad to here you found it, how did the claim area look for sluicing. I still plan on getting up there before Summer's end.
Jason Tollefson Greenhorn Posts: 
11 Aug 2016 02:24 PM |
I should be back up there this sunday the 14th. I will be in a 2500HD green blue silverado. Stop by and say hello beer will be cold!
JOEBOB FECTEAU Greenhorn Posts:24 
12 Aug 2016 04:45 PM |
Hi just got back, there is lots of water for sluicing and the like I ran a high banker, set up a catchment set up and it worked great. I ran 2\3 of a yard of material and found lead shot and other heavies but no gold :-( but I have a little material to run still. My boys and I had fun playing in the creek and camping. As far as finding the claim once you get to 1.5 miles in on the left there is a big pine tree with a orange band around it. I be leave this is the eastern side give or take. Keep going and when you get to a small opening in the woods with a dried up creek bed and some gravel piles to the right stay left and follow the road you will be there will be 3 left hand roads each one to a camp ground with the last being the largest and the last 2 you can drive right up to the creek. not sure about Lulu bell claim, it seems that it is in the GPAA claim. according to my GPS and the cords in the book I see some discrepancy's those 3 campsites are right after the 2nd Lulu bell claim sign so??? Anyhow the 2nd site has a gpaa book page stapled to a tree. The sites are nice and the road is not that bad all wheel drive will have no problem but anything lower that a crv or santefi could be iffy. 2 wheel drive truck would be fine if it was dry. Hope this helped happy mining.