Michael Wittenberg Greenhorn Posts: 
27 May 2015 02:26 PM |
So I'm looking into Triple d&m because it's close to home. Any comments on this claim would be great!
Michael Wittenberg Greenhorn Posts: 
28 May 2015 03:19 PM |
lots of views but no comments...does anyone know if piru creek has running water right now?
Paul Louly New Member Posts:81 
29 May 2015 10:57 AM |
I would check the local chapters in the area if you haven't already. Looks like the Antelope Valley and Golden Valley Prospectors are the closest in the area so they may have been through that claim the latest and possibly the most times. Good chance any of the other chapters in the state may have stopped by there as well so no harm in asking if you're looking for some info. As far as running water, maybe the local BLM office or some of the local establishments close can shed some light. There's a nursery called Moon Valley Nurseries not more than a mile away that may just be able to look out there window and let you know! Hope this helps, and be sure to share your stories should you make it out there. Happy prospecting!
Brent Daugherty Greenhorn Posts:17 
29 May 2015 11:09 AM |
hey Michael, i was there 2 weeks ago, plenty of water, Great sluicing, i ran a few buckets , did pretty good. there's a really good swimming spot about a hundred yards down stream from the bridge. good luck.
Michael Wittenberg Greenhorn Posts: 
29 May 2015 09:41 PM |
Hey thanks guys! I'm going up tomorrow morning to check it out. I'll post back on how it went.
Matt Johnson New Member Posts:58 
30 May 2015 05:55 AM |
SluiceBoxHero. I created that name awhile back. That's my name, but whatever. I use it on the gold hawg site. Just so you know. I keep it original.
Brent Daugherty Greenhorn Posts:17 
30 May 2015 09:31 AM |
Well Matt, From the looks of your profile, you've only been a member since feb 2015, I've been a member since 2013, it was my name on the old forum before you were a member, you can use whatever name you want on the gold hog site, I don't use it. If you give me one ounce of gold Ill let you use it...lol. have a great day. Good luck to you Michael, hope you found some good color.
Matt Johnson New Member Posts:58 
31 May 2015 09:48 AM |
You can give me an ounce of gold, and I'll change my username on the GoldHawg forum and it's all yours. All you have to do is sign up!
Gabriel Perez Greenhorn Posts:5 
30 Aug 2015 10:05 AM |
I'm new and heading to Piru Creek this coming weekend. Any tips? My son is a rock hound. Looking for gold and different rocks.
Patrick Reed Greenhorn Posts: 
06 Jan 2016 04:07 AM |
just responded this on a diff post, may be helpful for your next trip! watch out there is poison oak everywhere. i have gone down stream, stay to the left of the river and go up around the waterhole, about a 50 foot climb. any where upstream of the waterhole is jammed up and dredged out! i took tons of test pans walking downstream, lots of black, no gold. nearly got to the bottom of the claim; a good half mile of big rock hopping and river crossings, when i finally found some gold. there was a mini cooper sized rock jammed up against a tree, lots of exposed roots. i started to get into some more red dirt noticeably different from the dark brown clay type dirt, that is when i started getting a the best color. i have been wanting to go back, and try upstream from the road that crosses the river, looks like gnarly bushwhacking though. maybe wait for the rains to wash out the vegetation. the sheriff ranger gave me a $280 ticket for picking some sage. be careful!
Patrick Reed Greenhorn Posts: 
06 Jan 2016 04:10 AM |
dont know much about rock-hounding yet. if anybody dose know something about the stones up there, please post so i can keep an eye out in my classifieds
Garrick Sillers Greenhorn Posts:12 
10 May 2016 01:28 PM |
A little update.... I went up to this claim last Saturday (5/7/16) to scout it out. Had limited time. arrived at noon and rained out by 3:30pm. Very overgrown and Poison Oak starting to bloom all around. Did not look like many people had been beyond the big water hole. The water hole had the beer cartons and trash with graffiti....but no sign of intelligent life. I went down stream just over a 1/4 mile. sampled different areas. got some color in some spots. none in others. Yes this area was dredged up big time, but that was quite a while ago. We have had many flood situations moving fresh earth since the last dredge was there. So I think there is new color to be found up there with some patience and "outside the box" thinking. Beautiful and very rugged, so be prepared if you go. Lots of flood debris (lots of saplings and logs etc) everywhere that you need to traverse. Looks like some recent landslides from the north side as well. Plenty of water at this time for sluicing. Going to try and get up there again soon. Cheers GRS