The Gold Prospectors Association of America’s online communities (including, blogs and forums, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and future online presences) aim to provide a family friendly environment where members can post ideas, ask questions, and share thoughts about all aspects of prospecting. The following guidelines are designed to help provide a quality environment for our community members. Please take a moment to read them and keep them in mind when you participate in our communities.

Postings by others to the GPAA’s online communities do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the GPAA, nor does the GPAA confirm their accuracy. 

We encourage our community to share content like photos, videos, and stories of their prospecting experiences. We assume that anyone sharing this user generated content has the right to do so and has permission of the individuals who may be included in this content.  Please do not post photos you do not have permission to post, including photos of children without the permission of a parent or guardian.

By posting any comments, posts or other material on GPAA communities, you give the GPAA the irrevocable right to reproduce, distribute, publish, display, edit, modify, create derivative works from, and otherwise use your submission for any purpose in any form and on any media.

We welcome all questions and commentary, including constructive feedback. We do not take decisions on moderating posts lightly, but we do expect that participants post content and commentary that is both relevant and respectful to our communities as a whole. The GPAA reserves the right to remove any posts that do not adhere to our guidelines and to ban or block anyone who violates them repeatedly.  Failure to comply will initially result in a warning.  A second violation will result in a temporary suspension.  A third violation will result in a permanent suspension.

We do not tolerate the following posts:

  • Abusive, harassing, stalking, threatening or personally attacking others
  • Defamatory, offensive, profane, obscene, vulgar or depicting violence or threats
  • Fraudulent, deceptive, misleading or unlawful
  • Hateful in language targeting race/ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality or political beliefs
  • Link baiting (embedding a link in your post to draw traffic to your own site)
  • Promotion or endorsement of commercial services, products or entities (unless promotion occurs on a Vendor/Manufacturer/Organization page, which is not currently available on the site)
  • SPAM - Irrelevant or multiple, successive posts
  • Trolling or deliberate disruption of discussion
  • Uploading files that contain viruses or programs that could damage the operation of other people’s computers
  • Violations of any intellectual property rights, including copyright or trademark infringements

Finally, you agree that you will indemnify the GPAA against any damages, losses, liabilities, judgments, costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) arising out of a claim by a third party relating to any material you have posted.

If you have questions or inquiries, please direct them