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Summer Primer

Summer Primer

From the May/June 2021 Gold Prospectors Magazine

Most of us can’t wait to get out in the field for another season of prospecting, especially after spending so much time at home for the past year. But before you head out it may be wise to do some maintenance tune-ups and a little research for the prospecting days ahead.

Friday, May 28, 2021   •   Views: (3531)

Q&A with Dave of Goldbay

Q&A with Dave of Goldbay

Another look at selling the gold you find and have with some questions and answers with Dave of Goldbay

Wednesday, November 4, 2020   •   Views: (5144)

Selling Your Gold

Selling Your Gold

There comes a time when every prospector wonders: How can I sell the gold I’ve found? To begin, it helps to understand the dynamics of the gold market and how different buyers approach any gold transaction. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020   •   Views: (27329)

A Day in the Life of a California 49er

A Day in the Life of a California 49er

Take a break from the present and go back in time to life as a 1849er Gold Prospector during the California Gold Rush - complete with a recipe for the notorious Hangtown Fry prospectors rewarded themselves after a good day in the fields.

Saturday, March 28, 2020   •   Views: (36846)