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GPAA Prospectors Challenge

GPAA Prospectors Challenge

As the GPAA continues to grow and add even more exclusive claims and properties for our members to enjoy, we’d like to add a little “flash” in the pan so to speak and have created a little friendly competition for all fellow members to partake in! (As first seen in the 2019 June/July Pick & Shovel Gazette)

Monday, July 1, 2019   •   Views: (6747)

World’s second-largest diamond ever recorded unearthed at Botswana mine

World’s second-largest diamond ever recorded unearthed at Botswana mine

From the 2019 June/July Pick & Shovel Gazette: The second-largest diamond ever recovered is larger than a tennis ball and weighs 1,758 carats!

Monday, July 1, 2019   •   Views: (9844)

Where's the Gold? (Desert Edition)

Where's the Gold? (Desert Edition)

Prospecting Education with Kevin Hoagland

Think you know where the gold is? Try out another "Where's the Gold?" challenge from the latest Gold Prospectors Magazine

Monday, July 1, 2019   •   Views: (9185)