News and Updates

The Bull Case for Gold

The Bull Case for Gold

"The natural order of things means the flip side of my dad’s phrase is about to have its day: If it is broke, fix it. Take it for what it’s worth, but it is of my opinion that the time has come to start gathering gold immediately."

Wednesday, April 1, 2020   •   Views: (6457)

An Update To GPAA Members RE: COVID-19

An Update To GPAA Members RE: COVID-19

GPAA Claims are located on federal BLM and USFS land. At this time, only developed property and campgrounds have been closed in certain states. Access to GPAA claims has not been impacted, and if your local guidelines permit, you are free to continue prospecting as long as you are following the CDC guidelines to slow the spread of the virus. This includes practicing social distancing, and not being in groups of more than 10 people.

Monday, March 30, 2020   •   Views: (17795)

A Day in the Life of a California 49er

A Day in the Life of a California 49er

Take a break from the present and go back in time to life as a 1849er Gold Prospector during the California Gold Rush - complete with a recipe for the notorious Hangtown Fry prospectors rewarded themselves after a good day in the fields.

Saturday, March 28, 2020   •   Views: (30416)

A Front Line COVID-19 View On Prospecting

A Front Line COVID-19 View On Prospecting

From GPAA Member and Station Captain/EMT for a DoD fire department - Preston Harris.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020   •   Views: (7994)

Go the Distance - The Solo Adventures of a Detectorist

Go the Distance - The Solo Adventures of a Detectorist

Keep your distance, the metal detecting way!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020   •   Views: (6478)
