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Minelab Eureka Gold - The Down and Dirty

Minelab Eureka Gold - The Down and Dirty

One detector, three separate frequencies

Being in the Detector industry for as many years as I have I am always asked what are some of my favorite detectors over the years. 

One detector that has always stood out for me is the Minelab Eureka Gold. Actually it is my favorite VLF detector of all time for a number of reasons. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017   •   Views: (14484)

Keeping the Mining Legacy Alive

Keeping the Mining Legacy Alive

Fleming pushes message of positivity in prospecting

Her office is primarily blue with a few puffs or wisps of white from time to time.

“I have four walls, and they’re called the sky,” said Gold Prospectors Association of America Foothills Prospectors Chapter President Tina Fleming.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017   •   Views: (12791)



Minelab displays great confidence in their new detector by the name alone

When Minelab dealers and various media outlets from around the world attended the recent Minelab Worldwide Dealer Conference in Las Vegas, Nev., we were introduced to what Minelab described as a new “entry level” gold prospecting detector; the Gold Monster 1000. The detector created quite a bit of discussion along with a certain amount of skepticism among many of us that have been detecting for decades. Coming from Minelab, a company that has been known for innovation since the 1980s, the Gold Monster 1000 was not what we expected.

Thursday, April 27, 2017   •   Views: (55799)



Auspicious Prospects

After years of drought, prospectors in the California Mother Lode and Desert Southwest are preparing their packs and checking over their mining equipment for the deluge of flood gold that is sure to await them when the winter rains subside and mountain snow melts.  

Wednesday, March 15, 2017   •   Views: (25116)

GOLD FEVER: Boo Coo and ‘the Volkswagen’

GOLD FEVER: Boo Coo and ‘the Volkswagen’

The first time I met David “Boo Coo” Haas was at the Lost Dutchman’s Mining Association camp at Italian Bar in California back in the early ’80s. I had seen Boo Coo around camp. He wasn’t hard to miss. He would play his mandolin and sing and drink around the campfires in the evening, but it wasn’t until my father, George “Buzzard” Massie, invited him to our mining 
operation deep in the canyon below the camp that I got to know Boo Coo better.

Friday, March 10, 2017   •   Views: (16130)
