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Small cave in virgin ground

5 1
Joseph Williamson
Step 1 of 1

There were quite a few claim signs, by others, within the claim coordinates. There was also a sign in the middle of the claim at a stream crossing that said "D and J END". Nobody out there to cause problems though. Met 3 USFS officers which went fine because we had everything in order.

Amazed by the mountains of tailings. My brother and I found a hole/cave just below our campsite that went down to bedrock. You could tell it was virgin ground and not just piled up rock from old timers. We filled up 4 five gallon buckets from on top of the bedrock and 1 from the side. We got 6 fly poops. We used the Cube w/Dream Mat, trommel and Nugget Zone in a recirc setup. Beautiful area


Gold on the downieriver DJ and 1

4 0
Bernadette Lombardi
Step 1 of 1

This nugget was found on a different claim close to the gpaa claim. I go to this claim several times we a season took me a few season but I find gold on this claim every time I go. Nice flakes and metal detecting for nuggets. A few other miners took the time to help me out. Go down to the bed rock and the flood gold runs in patches so when you find color go till it's no more and move on. The patches have several pieces of color 8n them. This picture is REAL no joke. The person that found it used a metal detector and is a gpaa members.


Nice spot for camping. Not too bad for gold too.

4 0
Larry Trigg
Step 1 of 1

Lots of water still in late July and tough to cross the creek. Recommend moss soled boots and the buddy system at all time for safety. Waders were not necessary as the water is plentiful but not that cold if you compare it to the beaches of Northern California at least. I think waders are dangerous too. They can fill with water.

I did some detecting. Allot of hot rocks near the creek that were not tuned out with my pulse induction detector! Recommend finding some areas close to bedrock for better detecting. Good luck finding those! Bring a GPS to be sure you stay on the GPAA claim. There are adjacent claims!

Crevicing: I actually didn't sluice much at alll, we mostly creviced. We found the gold to be small, stubborn, but consistent. Sort of like a mule, IF you can find areas where it was trapped in gravels or clay near the water.

Here's a picture of the cleanup I did. No flakes, only fines, but the fines were somewhat chunky which was encouraging. Best of luck!



4 1
Bernadette Lombardi
Step 1 of 1

The road is fixed you have two road closed signs I move drive by and replace the s8gns.
Last visit was Oct 2018.


nice claim in beautiful area, road was poor

3 0
Step 1 of 1

I was invited to go up with a friend who had just found three small nuggets with her detector out in some bed rock. We arrived to find another GPAA member digging just up stream about 10 feet from where we had planned to be hunting. We talked to John and he did not care if we detected nearby, we started detecting downstream from him. I soon found a small nugget in the moss alongside the stream, We did not find anything else but had a good day. John did say he had been doing ok, he had a large hole dug so I would hope so. It was obvious that it is hit very hard.
