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Been gone to long

26 0
Step 1 of 1

It has been a few years since I worked this claim. I tested a number spots in the small run offs and washers and had very little luck in getting more than a speck or two in a pan.
Changing my prospecting up and getting out of any of the water runners, I focused on finding anything that resembled a bench. I found a number of spots on the south - Southwest side of the claim that looked like well worn small benches and began testing in and below these spots. The gold got better as I followed these runners and had I not had to get to Albq, I would have spent more time there.


Not much gold

23 0
Jamin Neet
Step 1 of 1

Beautiful little canyon, but found only one speck of gold in four 5-gallon buckets. Saw where others had sampled in the streambed also, but evidently they weren't impressed either. Good for a relaxing trip, but not worth a dedicated gold outing.


Anyone working this area?

4 0
Timothy Schnedler
Step 1 of 1

Moving to this area, wondering if anyone active on this claim area, Would love to meet some people in the area and go out prospecting


East Coast Detectorist goes to the desert

1 0
Ricardo Garcia-Arrese
Step 1 of 1

New member in El Paso for till the end of June, Equipped with Fisher F22 and 4X4 Tacoma. This is closest claim to me. Will go recon overnight this weekend and or next one as well. Well hydrated and experienced in desert conditions, Have my service dog and she loves the dry heat so we should be ok. Would like to hear any tips for working detector in this area.


I will be in ABQ for a few months

0 0
Step 1 of 1

I will be in the "area" for a while and was wondering if anyone has worked this area, and how is the drive up to the claim? Like do you need a high lift vehicle and what type of equipment are you using up there and are you finding that AU?