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Himalaya Mine

Average Rating (2 Member ratings)


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Facebook Info for Property — 2x4

3 1
Step 1 of 1

20 miles east of Pala, CA on Hwy 76


From the Mine's website — 2x4

1 0
Sean Bush
Step 1 of 1

These are from the Mine's website and there is a restaurant next to the store.

The store confirmed that the mine is closed as of this post.

From north take Warner Springs/Indio exit Hwy 79 SOUTH in Temecula. Turn onto Hwy 76. (about 50 minutes from Temecula).

From Oceanside take Hwy 76 EAST to Lake Henshaw Resort.

From San Diego take Hwy 67 to Hwy 78 to Santa Ysabel. Turn onto Hwy 79 NORTH 10 miles to Hwy 76, turn left.

Once you are at Lake Henshaw Resort you will need to go into the store (across from the lake and in the same building as the restaurant) and ask for the mine dig. They cashier will give you a code and directions.

Please follow our directions and DO NOT Google map/quest the Himalaya Mine!


Still closed 1/26/2024 — 2x4

0 0
David Lindberg
Step 1 of 1

based on their Facebook page.