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BAHDE 10, 11

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Bahde #10 & 11 — 2x4 or 4x4

33 1
Step 1 of 1

Take Hwy 93 North out of Kingman to Hwy 25/Pierce Ferry Rd. 21.8 mile. Pay attention to the speed limit through Dolan Springs. Turn Left on Gregs Hideout Rd/ CR-139 and go 3 miles to the corner of Spring Dr./Tr# 7023 and Gregs Hideout Rd. Turn Left on
Spring Dr./Tr 7023 and go 1 mile to corner of Spring Dr./Tr 7023 and Hideout Rd./Catfish St. Turn Right on Hideout Rd./Catfish St. and go 3 miles to Gladiola Dr. This is the Southeast Corner of Hoppy #1 thru 4 claims. To get to Bahde #10 and 11, Continue on Hideout Dr./CR139 for 1 mile which is the NE Corner of Hoppy #1 - 4. Turn Left onto Granite Gorge Dr. and travel 1 mile West to the corner of Granite Gorge Dr. and N Boundary Dr. Turn Right onto N Boundary Dr. and travel North for one mile and follow road making Left hand curve onto Tr 7022. Continue West on Tr 7022 past the helo landing pad/refueling pad on your right at approximately 3/4 mile, and continue in a Southwest direction for 1.6 miles past the drive way going into the helo landing/refueling pad. At coordinates 35° 52' 56.06"N 114° 13' 43.04"W you will be at the East edge of Bahde #10. Bahde #11 is straight West of Bahde #10. After entering Bahde #10 and 11 you can continue on this trail in a Westerly direction to Bahde #12, 13 and 14. Following are the boundary coordinates as close as I can determine without any assistance from GPAA claims administrator. NE Bahde #10; 35° 53' 13.99"N 114° 13' 43.53"W, NW Bahde #11; 35° 53' 13.99"N 114° 14' 47.52"W, SE Bahde #11; 35° 52' 48.06"N 114° 13' 43.53"W, SE Bahde #11/NE Bahde #13; 35° 52' 48.06"N 114° 14' 47.52"W, SE Bahde #13; 35° 52' 22.25"N 114° 14' 47.52"W, SW Bahde #13/NE Bahde #12 inside corner; 35° 52' 22.25"N 114° 15' 19.09"W, SE Bahde #12; 35° 51' 55.95"N 114° 15' 19.70"W, SW Bahde #12; 35° 51' 55.95"N 114° 15' 51.92"W, NW Bahde #14; 35° 52' 48.06"N 114° 15' 51.92"N,


Bahde 10 — 4x4

3 0
Dennis Burton
Step 1 of 1

1. Drive north on Stockton hill rd for 39 miles. To Pierce Ferry rd.
2. Turn right onto Pierce Ferry rd, go .40 mile to Greg's Hideout rd.
3. Turn left onto Greg's Hideout rd, go 3miles to Spring dr.
4. Turn left onto Spring dr, go 1 mile to Hideout rd
5. Turn right onto Hideout rd, 4 miles to Granite Gorge dr.
6. Turn left onto Granite Gorge go 1 mile to N. Boundry dr.
7. Turn right onto N. Boundry and go north for 1 mile, then follow the road to the left onto Tr. 7022.
8. Continue west on Tr 7022 3/4 of a mile to the corner of the Helo pad.
9. Then continue in a southwestern direction. 1.6 miles past the Helo pad driveway.
You should be at coordinates 35° 52' 56.06"N
114° 13' 43".03W