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Treasure Island Camp

Average Rating (4 Member ratings)

Hood, TX

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Dredge or serious digging likely required

21 0
Austin Wolters
Step 1 of 3

Visited the property twice with similar results on both trips (Thanksgiving/Christmas). The gold will be micros, per the the claim owner (red dirt has yielded the best results). He said he sometimes uses a 2" highbanker but realistically you want a 4" dredge for the best chance of success. He said they have punched 4’ down into the river and haven't found bedrock. He said the bedrock could be 10's of feet down in many places. There is a massive gravel bed to explore with a few pockets of what I think is exposed bedrock. I wasn't able to really find any gold with just a sluice/flow pan/shovel. I found one micro speck digging a 3’ hole in the gravel bar, but it honestly could have been contamination in my sluice. If you intend to run a sluice, the only place I found sufficient water flow was to the very south of the claim (there’s alot of water but not much flow). The other place you can check is a small waterfall in the feeder creek which the claim owner said people have had success with, though I didn’t have time to check it.


Huge Gravel Bar

19 0
Jason Van Gilder
Step 1 of 2

The river was barely flowing and fairly low according to the landowner. I use a Gold Hog river sluice with a power head on it so I didn't need a strong flow to run dirt. A line of larger stones can be seen immediately after crossing some water to get the gravel bar. I dug here and encountered water at about 2.5-3 feet. I have no clue how deep bedrock is here but it would be hard to get to without a dredge i imagine. I did manage to find to micro specks of gold. i also found a small piece of petrified wood and smooth rouned balls and eggs of quartz.