Joe Hentz
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Joe Hentz
I heard for years it was impossible to get to the claim form Zortman. Nothing could be further from the truth unless old logging roads scare you. You definitely need an ATV but it's easy to get there and the gold is easy to get. Lots of bedrock with 60 acres of beautiful scenery
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Memorial weekend 2020 panning
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Memorial weekend 2020 panning
Did some panning along creek, found some flakes. Access was ok , gates were unlocked. Road was a little rough. All in all had a great time 😊
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Road Blocked/Un passable
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Road Blocked/Un passable
I was going to go there, however I was informed by the Billings chapter that the owner of the property next door has blocked off the only road into the property. After talking with the BLM, they told me yes indeed it is blocked. Not only is it blocked by so badly eroded, unless you have an ATV it is not possible to get there. I have been told by the people at Zortman claim, that the few people that went to the GPAA claim were unable to find anything. I will try again next year with an ATV.
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ATV recommended
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ATV recommended
Getting there in anything but an ATV is dicey at best. The ash from last years fire becomes quick sand and I needed to use my wench to pull out of almost 18" deep nasty black ash. Once you do get to the claim, a truck is WAY to wide for the trail. My UTV barely makes it.
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Lucky dawg
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Lucky dawg
yep 2-years ago we tried to get into the Lucky Dawg , we got lost till i check my GPS and found we were about to enter tribal lands, so we back tracked until we at least where going in the right direction, We arrived at what we thought was the claim area but the description of an ole cabin site was not there. we prospected, no gold found, lots of garnets and one bear jaw, I did however have a chance meeting last year with the claim owner got me inspired to try the lucky dawg again.
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