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STARLA 5 & 6

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First prospect small flake

8 0
Raymond Gould
Step 1 of 1

Came here as my first attempt at prospecting, found a bit of flake panning.. Tried some detecting, hot rocks abound so until I learn more anyhow nothing from this..


Tough Going

5 0
Douglas Morris
Step 1 of 1

Metal Detector finds lots of hot rocks as previously stated, so we put it away. We could see lots of areas where people were working in the past and took test pans out of each location with maybe a fly poop spec found here and there. The water was a good temperature but still a little high and fast moving. We were still able to cross the creek and check in the old river channel bank, no luck there either. We would have kept prospecting the property but the evidence just wasn't there.


No gold yet.. but..

5 0
Matt Tripp
Step 1 of 1

Great area.. tough finding gold just yet! Prospecting on!


Little pokers

4 0
Kristopher Swenson
Step 1 of 1

I drove from idaho last weekend.. it is January so everything is frozen up. But I was able to cross the river with just my boots and climb up to the old river gravel dig site on the side of the hill.. dug a few 5 gallon buckets and went back down to the river... was a lot of work since I had to walk because of the ice that prevented me from driving my truck accross.. but found a few little pokers


Metal Detecting

1 0
Step 1 of 1

Was in the area last weekend to check out the claim and do some metal detecting, the area I wanted to check out was on the other side of the river but they were letting a lot of water out of the Unity Reservoir so it was running high and looked angry so I’ll have to wait until the next time I’m in the area. I did metal detect that small dry wash in the NE corner of the claim. There’s a lot of quartz float laying a round and it looks like a few people have dug a few test holes but I didn’t see any signs that that area has been worked. I didn’t find anything metal detecting and only a few trash targets in the wash.