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Illinois River Group — 4x4

33 0
Michael Carlucci
Step 1 of 1

Just head to Selma Oregon then turn on Illinois River Road. Its at the 76 Station. Then just go about couple miles almost to the first trail head and the road is on the left. Cant miss it, it dropps in fast and steep. This is an old logging road or something so you will need a truck or off road something. I have not had to use my four wheel yet but for sure have needed the clearance the truck has. Lots of water pockets about a foot deep. If you don't have that option you can hike in pretty easy by parking at the Trail Head. Its the first Trail you come to after you turn on the road. This is however a serious hike coming out because the terrain is steep so lots of switch backs. Hope this helps, oh there is good gold on this claim.


Accessing the Claim: SE & NE Corners — 4x4

28 0
Melina DeAnda
Step 1 of 5

Using the GPS coordinates provided in the printed Mining Guide, I mapped the layout out of the Illinois River Group using Google Earth. This group is made up of four claims that lie at a bend in the Illinois River near Grants Pass, OR.


Rocky road — 4x4

15 1
Step 1 of 1

The directions given are pretty straight forward. The road in is pretty rough so I advise a 4x4. There are broken car parts along certain portions of the dirt road going in. The water is pretty clear and there’s not much of the river, if any in the portion, that can work a sluice box currently. (6/2020) it’s a lot of work for flour gold. Flipping rocks and panning lots of material for mostly fine gold. I guess it all adds up. Don’t expect to get rich very quickly on this claim. I enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the water. The photo posted is approximately 3-6 hour days. I could run more material if we could use a high banker but it’s not allowed. Happy hunting! Brad


3.5 miles — 4x4

4 0
Robert Walker
Step 1 of 1

From Selma, hwy 199 / Illinois river road junction , proceed 3.5 miles to the dirt road on the left. It’s easy to spot. The day I went it had rained and I wasn’t sure if my mountaineer would make it back out, sketchy road, definitely need ground clearance vehicle.


steep road but go slow, need 4x4 when raining — 2x4 or 4x4

4 0
Michael Cox
Step 1 of 1

follow gps, takes you to sand bar, great camping spots