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Uwharrie National Forest

Average Rating (2 Member ratings)

Montgomery, NC

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Uwharrie National Park

10 0
Henry Hicks
Step 1 of 1

Open gold panning & slice may be used. No powered equipment allowed; Medal Detectors, Gold Detectors.

Over night camping is free of charge. Other information may be had at 910-576-6391. Will add more later.


First time gold panning

10 0
Jason Brown
Step 1 of 1

Stayed in Uwharrie National Forest at the hunt camp for the last week of august. Hiked into the moccasin creek area and was able to pan some color. Panned maybe 2 five gallon buckets of material during the time as I am new and somewhat slow at first. I was happy to find my first gold, which wasn't much but still it was gold. Am looking forward to returning there with more knowledge and a little more experience than last time. Do be careful as there was water snakes in the water and a rattlesnake along the trail, so watch your step.



0 2
Gerald Simmons
Step 1 of 1

Heading there tomorrow and wondering are there claim owners in a national forest