Here's what I have for the boundary points for the JPL 1 claim:
County Nearby City Claim Page Point Name Coords DMS Coords D Latitude Longitude
Siskiyou Happy Camp JPL 1 142
Ingress 41°48'32.8" -123°06'55.1" 41.809119, -123.115295 41.809119 -123.115295
Center 41°48'28.921" -123°06'40.0" 41.808034, -123.111111 41.808034 -123.111111
NW 41°48'32.483" -123°07'1.766" 41.809023, -123.117157 41.809023 -123.117157
NE 41°48'39.270" -123°06'18.167" 41.810908, -123.105046 41.810908 -123.105046
SW 41°48'26.323" -123°07'1.790" 41.807312, -123.117164 41.807312 -123.117164
SE 41°48'26.249" -123°06'26.932" 41.807291, -123.107481 41.807291 -123.107481
E 41°48'32.483" -123°06'18.167" 41.809023, -123.105046 41.809023 -123.105046
MIDE 41°48'32.483" -123°06'26.932" 41.809023, -123.107481 41.809023 -123.107481
MID 41°48'32.483" -123°06'35.697" 41.809023, -123.109916 41.809023 -123.109916
N 41°48'39.270" -123°06'35.697" 41.810908, -123.109916 41.810908 -123.109916
Copy this data into a spreadsheet to see the columns lined up.